19 October 2005

What REALLY happened on 911?

This is a question that keeps coming back to me. Are we going to experience the same feeling of something unusual did happen on that day but the major news networks aren’t talking about it? Many people feel that John F Kennedy was assassinated by the government or something deeper than that. Does this all sound like conspiracy theory stuff to you? Well what is conspiracy anyway? According to the dictionary this means; “a plan or agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal or subversive action.”

Now you can argue that all organizations are somehow already involved in some kind of conspiracy. It might not be termed illegal but they do “secretly” plan their marketing approach and strategy to obtain more business and take business away from their competitors. Only certain individuals in the organization know the real plans that were laid out for the company. Sometimes different things are deliberately told to the employees than what was discussed in the boardroom. Can’t this also be seen that this organization is conspiring in secret to gain in the long run at the cost of their competitors and sometimes employees to benefit the shareholders? So conspiracy is almost an everyday event, now the question remains whether this also includes governments and more importantly, will they conspire against their own citizens, the ones paying their salaries in the first place?

I’ve performed a lot of research on what happened on 911 and there are many websites, books and video clips on this subject. What I find the strangest about the incident is that the major news networks don’t run extensive research and coverage on what happened on 911. Why don’t they question the discrepancies? Aren’t they normally the ones that run these adverts saying they bring the news first and do all the research? Why are they so quiet on this subject and yet for those who seek will find things on the internet that so blatantly show something seriously went wrong on that day that can’t be explained away with a couple of terrorists who planned this operation from a cave in Afghanistan. That the same “terrorists” could foil what is arguably the best military defense system in the world.

Let’s look at that best defense system first at the Pentagon. They have anti-aircraft missiles that unless disabled will fire at any non-military signature entering the no fly zone. Why did this system fail? Why did a large Boeing virtually disappear into the wall of the Pentagon? No sign of broken wings or significant amount of debris that are always present at passenger aircraft crashes. How did it make such a small hole in the wall and penetrate so deep inside reinforced steel walls? It went into the building at such a low approach angle that the engines must have dragged on the ground before it made contact with the wall, however the lawn right in front of the crash site had no markings at all. It is strange that video camera’s footage that would have shown the aircraft’s approach into the Pentagon (a garage and hotel), that the FBI arrived minutes after the crash and removed the tapes from the respective sites, never to be seen and never viewed again.

Let’s look at the twin towers. Those two buildings came down as if they were demolished by a professional demolition company. Nowhere in history has a steel frame building collapsed because of fire and also never in a fashion of the buildings falling down perfectly. Some people say it was the “pancake” effect. That the planes destroyed the column structures and once it started falling, the one floor fell on top of the other causing the one to collapse on the next floor and so on. Now you expect the one falling on the other will cause a building of 110 floors to take lets say a second for each floor to hit the next, collapse and then fall again. If you look at the video of the buildings falling, it took only 10 seconds for it to collapse (that is almost freefall speed), which means the floors encountered no resistance at all, just like in a demolition. Also very little was mentioned about building no7, a 50 story building. This building wasn’t hit by a plane, but somehow it also manages to collapse as if it was demolished. How did this happen?

The other strange thing that happened that day was that President Bush was at a Primary School and this was a televised event, yet he was allowed to remain at this venue endangering him and all the kids, while all the planes were crashing not far from his location in New York! Now either knowledge that he was not a target was known, or it was a huge oversight.

What I am describing here sounds very much like a conspiracy theory doesn’t it? The trouble is if you look at all these events that took place, you can either decide that 911 happened because of a comedy of errors and mistakes that prevented fighter planes to be scrambled to intercept the planes. The anti-aircraft missiles at the Pentagon was turned off or malfunctioned (unless the plane gave off a military signature). This means gross incompetence from military defense and/or incredible luck on behalf of the terrorists. Or alternatively, the government allowed this to happen or even worse; they planned and participated in this event from the start.

What is far worse than the loss of life at this tragic event is what conspired directly after 911. Many times over lives (mostly innocent) were lost in the “fight for freedom” with the invasion of Afghanistan and later Iraq. Then more and more control measures were put in place everywhere, monitoring and spying on people. This was all done with the view to protect our “freedoms” but if you see how the most powerful nation in the world reacted to “protect” and rescue its own citizens in Louisiana after hurricane Katrina stuck, you have to wonder what the real intentions of all these control systems are?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What is really happening???