30 December 2006

Will the real Saddam Hussein step forward?

Now that one of Saddam Hussein’s many look a likes have been executed, I wonder what happened to the real Saddam Hussein. The way this copy was executed so quickly makes me question why they were in such a hurry. For those who ask how can I say this was one of Saddam Hussein’s look a likes, you are welcome to search the Internet for clues, but here is a link to one article that points to that direction:


So here is an example of a leader that was found guilty in a trail for killing 148 men and boys from the Shia Muslim town of Dujail. The reason for this killing was supposedly that they were part of an opposition group that tried to assassinate Saddam Hussein in 1982. Pity he did not call them terrorists because if he called it the war on terror, he would have not been executed for it. If you call your killing actions; war on terror, then you may kill as many people you want, by any means possible and get away with it. Just look at George Bush getting away with his hunger for killing innocent people.

He was even allowed recently by the senate to send more troops to Iraq. Do we see people like him facing charges for killing innocent people? No? Just because it is called “war on terror” he has free reign to use any means he feel fit to utilize to obtain whatever results he was told to obtain. Leaders like him can hold people for an indefinite time in custody, torture them, even kill them; as long as it’s called war on terror it is fine.

If this is allowed to continue while the agencies that are suppose to monitor and stop these illegal actions like the United Nations remain silent; no one will be safe on this planet. We have seen many examples where innocent men, women and children die by deliberate military attacks from Israel on Palestine and Lebanon, but they call it war on terror so they are safe. We have seen the USA drop bombs on Afghanistan and almost totally destroy Iraq, killing thousands of women and children, but they are immune to prosecution because they called it war on terror.
So it looks like the only mistake Saddam Hussein made was that he did not use the words; fighting war on terror. And for him not using those words, he was then labeled a terrorist himself. But maybe he was following orders and acted exactly the way he should have anyway. For following those orders, setting the stage for US invasion, he was given protection and one of his many look a likes was executed in his place.

13 December 2006

What wrong with our Star?

Has anyone noticed the recent solar flares on the Sun? This happened during solar minimum, something that happens every 11 years when the magnetic field on the sun changes around. It goes through phases of 11 years of high sunspot activity and 11 years of low sunspot activity. This has been monitored and measured by our ancient friends in other parts of the world for thousands of years. There were signs that the Mayans and the Chinese measured the level and number of sun spots all the time.

Our “advanced” technological community doesn’t understand the reason for them to measure these differences. Today we need to know this because mayor sunspot eruptions can cause disruptions in our telecommunications and also our electrical power grids. It has been known to destroy satellites and can be very dangerous for astronauts, should they be outside their spacecraft during a mayor solar eruption.

So why is this happening now and why don’t you read about it on the mayor news networks? It is unusual for the sun to erupt with an X6 solar flare (6th December 2006) during the solar minimum? We were lucky; this flare was directed away from Earth. What is even rarer is for the same sunspot (sunspot number 930) looking like it might die, erupted in an X3 solar flare (13th December 2006), directed towards Earth.

In 2003 the most powerful solar flare ever recorded was measured at an incredible X28! In fact the scientists don’t exactly know how strong that explosion was, it was only an estimation because their equipment failed from the noise and distortion caused by this event. The questions remains, what does these huge flares mean at this time? Also, does large eruptions like these have any effect on humans?

11 December 2006

Israel now in charge of the UN

Now Israel may decide if they “may” authorize a visit to their country by the United Nations or not. Did Saddam Hussein block any UN investigators to his country when the “Intelligence Agencies” said he had weapons of mass destruction? No, Saddam Hussein allowed UN access to all the areas of his country. The UN inspectors were just to slow for the USA; they had to invade the country at all costs.

Now the UN led by Nobel Peace laureate, Desmond Tutu was refused entry to investigate the massacre of 19 people (at least 14 were women and children). Israel says it does not see the role of the UN mission, that it has already “acknowledged” its mistake. So if you are friends with the likes of the USA and UK, you can make “mistakes” like these, killing innocent people and not being held responsible? As long as you “acknowledge” your mistake, you won’t be called a terrorist, dictator or threat to world peace?

The UN kept silent when the USA invaded Iraq, killing thousands of civilians in the process. The UN kept silent when the USA invaded Afghanistan, killing thousands of civilians. Now the UN is helpless in investigating matters like these? Will no one hold politicians responsible for their decisions and actions? If the UN are not allowed to ask and investigate these questions, who will?

When is it fine to make “mistakes” like these? Is it right to destroy a home with women and children using artillery fire because the “intelligence” pointed to someone close by as a suspected terrorist? Where will the line be drawn? The USA destroyed a whole country for that reason, so it seems that politicians may kill as many people they like as long as they use the words, fight terrorism or “acknowledge” a mistake afterwards. This world has become a far more dangerous place to live than in the old cold war days!

07 December 2006

Dubai Company takes control over Cape Town’s Port

Can this be true? The same company that recently took over the operations of the New York port; DP World is closely tied to the company that bought the V&A Waterfront for R70bn. The controversy of the NY harbor deal came about shortly after the 911 event that changed the world’s history forever. The US Congress tried to block the deal but President Bush threatened to veto the legislation should the deal be blocked by Congress.

DP World operates in over 19 major terminals around the world. These include ports in the following counties; Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Djibouti, Germany, Romania and UAE with new developments in South Korea, Turkey, Peru and Vietnam. Now South Africa can be un-officially added to this list.

The company that bought the V&A Waterfront; Nakheel Hotels and Resorts’ sister company is DP World, so they are both owned by the same people, mostly the Dubai government. Is this a way to gain control over the port of Cape Town?

06 December 2006

The West is King

Who made the West king on this world? Why may the West decide who are the good and who are the bad? I ask this question after reading a news article titled; “Follow God or vanish”, apparently a quote given by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad saying “They are angry with our nation. But we tell them 'so be it and die from this anger'. Rest assured that if you do not respond to the divine call, you will die soon and vanish from the face of the earth," http://www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,9294,2-10-1462_2041017,00.html

Look, these are some scary words from a leader in a world already divided and fragmented between several divisions, but what I find surprising is somewhere further in the article, it says the following: “A defiant Iran has refused to suspend its uranium enrichment work, a process that the West fears could be extended to make nuclear weapons.” Who is the West this article’s referring to? Could this be USA or UK and does Israel fall part of the West? These are the nations that in the last 40 years have invaded more nations, used more mass military operations and killed more innocent victims than any other country! But the West is worried about Iran?

Who then speak for the innocent people of Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon (to name a few recent events) if the West don’t protect them? Who speaks against these aggressor nations? The only nation to have used nuclear weapons on innocent civilians was the USA, yet they may tell others that they fear Iran might build nuclear weapons!

The article further says the following: “the UN security council is agreed there will be sanctions on Iran”. If the UN Security Council plans to impose sanctions on Iran, why not those that have nuclear weapons already? Those aggressor nations that without UN sanction invaded other countries, killing thousands of civilians; women and kids with long range missiles and massive bombs dropped from high altitude planes. If I read this article it implies that the West are the good guys and everyone else the bad. Does this world’s moral fate lie with the West?

If this is the case, then we are in big trouble. How can the USA say who the good Nations are if they are allowed to invade other countries, destroy infrastructure and kill innocent civilians? If the UN sanctioned these killings, then the UN does not represented the rest of the world in equal measure. If the UN were the true “United Nations”, the true representation of the whole world, then this will not have been allowed. Nor would Israel have been allowed to occupy someone else’s land and allowed to invade its neighbors, killing innocent people in Lebanon and Palestine.

Who made the West king? By reading this article I have to say it sounds like the media has made the West king. Most, if not all news articles like these originate from the West. The same media that said Iraq can strike within 24 hours. The same media that said Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. The same media that were imbedded with the USA troops during the Iraq invasion. It looks like the West and main stream media are the one and the same.

09 November 2006

Why is everyone so busy?

What is causing our lives to become so hectic? Most people complain that life is becoming to fast and busy. Yet we quickly get bored if something is not exciting enough. People are constantly busy with all kinds of things. If our work involves working on the computer, we are bombarded by e-mails. To make it worse, we have a messenger program running, constantly chatting to people. We make and receive calls all the time. In between our cell phones interrupt with calls, test messages and picture messages.

Have you observed people at a seminar? Recently I went to a computer seminar and at the foyer people met for coffee before the seminar started. I watched started to people feeling uncomfortable with themselves. In particularly the ones who did not know anyone else there looked out of place. They would take out their cell phones and either make calls to someone they knew or send/receive sms messages.

When we go to our homes, we switch on the television. We religiously follow some shows and programmes on the television, not to mention sport event. Even if we don’t actively watch television, it is running in the back ground while we eat our dinners. Some people are now obsessed with the console games. They grew up with it and now can’t stop playing games. In the malls people walk around with their MP3 players, totally oblivious of the people around them, like they are tuned into another world!

Are we getting used to being bombarded with a constant flow of “information”? Do we find life boring if we are not constantly being distracted by these modern devices? I have seen people almost getting withdrawal symptoms from not being able to receive their e-mails for a few minutes. Some people find it unacceptable to go to a place where Internet access is not available, not to mention cell phone connectivity!

Does these devices and distractions effect our attention span? Does it make us more or less tolerant of other people? Do we find time to notice real things in this world? If we do “see” something we agree or don’t agree with, do we find it important enough to care about it?

It looks to me like we are not only being bombarded with useless everyday things to keep us distracted and busy; we are looking for even more “distractions” to make our lives interesting. We are even growing to love these new toys and struggle to see how we could have lived without it. We have become totally dependent on these technologies.

We can’t remember nor do we need to remember someone’s telephone number. We don’t even need to remember someone’s birthday or home address. Everything is stored and saved on these devices. They can even direct us to street addresses, no need to ask for directions or actually remember the road. We still have to remember our multiple pin numbers for everything, but I suspect that soon a device or implant will be developed that will change all this. Again, I suspect we will gladly accept and embrace this technology. It will be sold as another way to make our lives better, if not safer.
All this sounds to me like we are living in a high tech prison, we are trapped. The only difference is we like our prison; we just need more and more things to keep us busy here.

12 October 2006

How can USA tell North Korea they may not have Nuclear weapons?

The only nation in this world that used nuclear weapons on civilians tells North Korea they must dismantle. Where is the logic in this argument? The USA has more nuclear weapons than anyone else in the world. Yet they tell others like Iran that they may not enrich uranium for their own power stations!

If the USA had a track record of always looking for peaceful means to resolve situations, if the USA had a track record for being the one to give concessions, if the USA had a track record of tolerance and understanding to other nations, then I would have to agree with their stance on North Korea. But the exact opposite is true. The USA has been the biggest aggressor and responsible for the largest troop movements and invasion in recent history. The USA ignored UN resolutions and invaded Iraq, destroying buildings and infrastructure, killing countless civilians in long range missile attacks and aircraft bombings.

This same nation stands up to speak against North Korea’s nuclear testing, while they themselves used depleted uranium in its ammunition during the invasion on Iraq. This will leave a legacy of illness and diseases in that land for many years and generations to come. Yet this same nation tells Iran and North Korea they need to dismantle.

Building nuclear weapons are awful and indiscriminately destructive things. To build these weapons and to store those means it could be used in the future, or even worse. A situation by evil men could be created to justify the use of them.

We don’t have to look to far back in history to look for an example of a nation, getting (making) an excuse to use nuclear bombs on civilians citizens in Japan. Yet this same nation doing this evil deed can tell others to dismantle their nuclear capabilities. They won’t dismantle their own nuclear arsenal as an example to the rest of the world. In fact the opposite is happening. Now talks of developing new, smaller nuclear weapons are happening and this is said to be used in the fight on “terrorism”!

Why is the USA silent on other nations developing and storing nuclear weapons? Why is Israel allowed to have their nuclear arsenal while Iran may not? Why can India develop nuclear technology, while North Korea may not?

This world has become a far more dangerous place to live in recently. Everyone said the cold war was living on the dangerous edge of extinction. I am scared that some evil men decide to create a scenario to justify using their nuclear weapons on more civilian people and then call it the fight upon “terrorism”! They will need to justify spending Billions on these destructive weapons instead of using that same money to create a better place for their citizens.

This is the reason why these politicians need to make sure we belief their stories that there is evil out there. They need to keep reminding us that terrorism is the new unknown enemy out there. They need to keep on creating scenarios to remind us that we need their protection, their surveillance and their nuclear weapons. So we will most likely hear more stories of airport closures because of security threats, more incredible stories where planes and fires can bring down 3 tall buildings that were designed to stay intact for just such an accident in the first place. Even worse, we might hear of a fabricated story where “terrorists” have detonated a nuclear weapon at a city. I hope I am wrong!

03 October 2006

Humans have pets, are we “pets” for Others?

We somehow always think we are on top of the food chain. The world is there for us, we are in control of the animals, plants and soil. The only thing we can’t control is the weather…or maybe this can also be controlled….so we are the “gods” of all these things. Some of our pets we keep at home, we even “love” and adore them. Some people treat their pets as if they were their children! Other pets we store for food, to put it nicely…we eat them.

I wonder what our pets think of their “gods”. The ones we “love” might see that feeling as a sign that we are one of them. That we just happen to look strange, that we are tall dogs or cats and we are part of their clan. I wonder what chicken, sheep and cattle think of us? We store them in confined spaces, feed them all kinds of strange food and when they are big and fat enough, we kill them. They must wonder why these “gods” are so cruel to them. Presuming plants and trees have similar thoughts and feelings, then they must also wonder about the rationale of their “gods” actions, if they can perceive us.

Many of these pets must be confused or simply ignorant of their “gods”. They might not even see our “god” status as the ones who are taking care of them, feeding them, moving them, eating them. They might even not be aware of us at all, only feel the effects of our presence. Or they might experience the result of our presence but never perceive us as we perceive ourselves. They might not know that we are their “appointed gods”. That we are in total control of them, we can cull them, move them, breed them, cross breed them, manipulate their DNA, create new species and we can even eliminate them!

If this scenario is true, then could we be pets for other “gods” without perceiving them? They might be all around and we can only experience the result of their presence. If we are their pets, we could be the ones they “love” and “cherish” almost like their children, but we could also be the ones they “play” with. We could be a game for them. Like for example; they could create “nice” war and division scenarios and laugh to see how we hate and kill each other. Just like we like to shake the bottle with two spiders to see if they will fight…

Maybe our “gods” like to see our reactions to experiences of pleasures (sex?) and pain (war, famine, illness, disasters). What if our “gods” were responsible for our religions? Wouldn’t it be a great joke for them to create the “law” of devotion to them and then set “rules” which they know because of our design and nature would make it very difficult for us to keep. That way they can create “great” games of anguish, feelings of remorse, regret and despair. Also a nice “joke” they can play is to create religions with opposing rules. Creating division in the thinking of their “pets”, setting up feelings of anger and create more war scenarios.

The scary thought is; if we are pets for unseen “gods” as described here, are we also their food? Are we being stored for future consumption? Are we being fatten up in our “pens” and “recycled” when the “harvest” time arrives? Is there a way for us to escape from our holding cells? Can sheep escape and avoid being slaughtered should they discover their fate? Would they want to escape if they have this knowledge? Is there a way we can’t become food for our “gods” or is this part of “life”? Maybe I am just having a nightmare, in it I am writing this story, thinking things I should not. Hopefully I will wake up soon!

22 September 2006

Why do politicians kill innocent people?

Everyday on the news we hear or read that this or that alleged murderer is appearing in court to face murder charges. Why do we never hear of politicians appearing for ordering to kill hundreds, if not thousands of people?

When a person decide to murder or kill someone for whatever reason and this person gets caught, they will have to appear in court to defend themselves. He will need to give reasons for his actions and if he is found guilty, he will receive a jail sentence.

Most of these individuals know the result of his actions beforehand. They either act out of response or act with the knowledge that he will not be caught. The persons with criminal intend to murder will either act knowing they will not get caught or they have no conscience at all, or both.

So if a normal person ends up in court for his actions, then why don’t politicians? When a politician decides to invade a country and indiscriminately kill people with long range missiles and dropping bombs indiscriminately on everyone below, levelling buildings and killing faceless individuals…aren’t they also killers?

When a politician decide to kill instead of using other avenues like negations or discussions or using avenues like the United Nations to resolve matters, what sort of example does that show to everyone? That is ok to shoot then ask questions later? That as long as the killing is in the name of “fighting terrorism”, is it then ok?

We have seen recently examples of where George W Bush orders the attack on Iraqi, killing thousands of women and children while the United Nations were asking for a couple more weeks to search for those elusive weapons of mass destruction. It was not even a question of sending in more troops to search for those weapons, it was flat out war, the world largest and most advanced military in the world taking on a couple of people with guns. That sounds like murder to me!

And then the fourth largest military in the world; Israel, taking on Lebanon, again a few men with a couple of home made fireworks, converted into rockets. This politician Ehud Olmert decided to flatten a cities, drop large; building destroying bombs on civilians, killing hundreds and why, because of two Israeli soldiers being kidnapped inside Lebanon? That sounds like murder to me.

Why aren’t these politicians facing court hearings to explain their killing behaviour? Do they think they will get away with these killings or don’t they have a conscience to realize the amount of grief, destruction and death they are causing? Will the “self defence” and “those terrorists” cards always be played by these dangerous politicians? Will killing thousands of civilians always be justified by saying we have a right to self protection?

These same politicians will say Iran can’t enrich their own Uranium because Iran can’t be trusted with potentially making their own nuclear weapons! In recent history the only nations “entrusted” to have nuclear weapons have mostly been the aggressors. We don’t see Iran confiscating land, building high walls and creating multiple check points. Yet Israel may have nuclear weapons and Iran may not?

When will the world see these dangerous politicians appear in court to defend their murderous actions?

11 September 2006

Remembering 911

Which version of 911 will be remembered by our children? The one the US government told us? The one where they say a Boeing 757 can disappear into a small hole in the Pentagon, leaving no large broken off tail sections or wings? Are our children going to be taught in school how two planes could bring down three buildings, flatten them in demolition kind of fashion although scientists can’t explain how jet fuel can melt steel? Will more movies be released telling stories of cellphone calls being made at 30 000 ft altitude?

It is so sad for almost 3000 people to have lost their lives that day in America. It saddens me even more that tens of thousands if not more people lost their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq as a result on this war on “terror”. How sad is it if I look at how much “freedoms” we have to give up in this fight on “terrorism”. We gladly accept being spied upon, our phone call listened too, our mail intercepted and video surveillance everywhere in the name of “safety”.

This is what that fateful day on 911 left us, the legacy of fear, hatred, war and more questions for those willing to ask. The only bit of light I see out of this event are the few people that do ask questions. It means that not all the people have been hypnotized to belief what CNN or Fox tell them. It means there are at least a few people in this world that can think for themselves or at least ask questions and don’t accept the “official” line.

Five years ago a few evil men needed another “Pearl Harbor” to start the war on “terror”. They seemed to have accomplished that mission. Today we see Israel killing innocent Palestinians, flattening buildings, destroying bridges in the fight on “terror” and the world says nothing. We see airports closed, flights cancelled, people arrested in the UK and people accept this discomfort, because they are fighting “terrorism”. We see people being locked up without court trails in secret jails. We accept this because it is the fight against “terrorism” and because it is not happening to us.

What if these evil men decide to make the new “terrorist’s” face look like yours? What if you are now the one that are locked up without a court trial or being subjected to discrimination because you have the “terrorist’s” look? Will you remain quiet when you are unfairly treated just because of the way you look?

Five years ago we saw evil happening first hand. Most people think that this evil is somewhere over there, sitting in a cave in Afghanistan. It is far closer to “home”. If you truly belief this “official” story about what happened on this day in America five years ago, then the evil has won over your mind. You will then believe their next story of a “terrorist” attack and give up more of your freedoms in the name of safety and security. I am using this 5th “anniversary” of the event 911, to remind me that I should question more the “official” versions of events in this world and not to blindly accept what I am told.

I want the real Truth to be exposed so that when we look back at historical events like 911, that the real historical event is taught to our children. I am not sure if the world is ready for the Truth, the Truth can be much scarier than the lies we are being told and taught. But what is the alternative? To live believing all these lies is like living in a fantasy land, you will also become part of the fantasy land.

I truly hope there are other people like me also looking to gain true knowledge and search for Truth. Then our news papers will tell the real story of what happened on this day 5 years ago or at the very least also question the “official” version told by the US Government.

13 July 2006

Does George Bush know the difference between invasion and self-defense?

I ask myself this question after hearing him on the news tonight saying that Israel has the right to self-defense in its attack on Lebanon. How can the president of the United States declare that Israel has a right to self-defense when Israel is killing many innocent lives with reckless long range bombings? How can the “leader” of the “free world” say it is self-defense when the attacks of Israel include Civilian Airports frequented by innocent people?

After asking this question I had to look at how this “leader of the free world” reacted recently in “protecting” its own civilians. The “enemy” was then decided to be the people of Iraq. Not just Saddam Hussein, because if he thought he was the “enemy”, then the “most powerful leader of the world” surely could have organized a way for him to leave. So he decided self-defense meant killing thousands of innocent civilians by bombing cities with long range missiles.

We are now told that this country has been rid of the evil and “freedom” has returned to the people, they have their own “government” now, can elect their own in “free and fair” elections…nothing is said about the death and destruction this has lead too. Infrastructure and buildings are still left devastated. There seems to be no end in violent escalations between factions, mostly wanting the foreign invader out of their land! Depleted uranium used in the American weapons will be a legacy left behind that will cause countless diseases and more hardship for the “free people of Iraq” for generations to come.

All this happened because the world was told a lie. He and his administration told us that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction. Nothing was found! Thousands of innocent people died because of a lie! I get really scared when people like George Bush say Israel has a right to kill innocent people, because this is what he is saying when he condones Israel’s attack on innocent people. When “leaders of the free world” think many innocent people may be killed to get one “evil” one, we as a human race will never be safe.

What next, use an atomic bomb and take out millions in a city to get the five “terrorists”? At least a couple of countries are speaking out against the Israeli attacks on innocent people. I just wished they were there when the innocent people lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. The longer crimes like these continue while the world remains silent, the more the chance will be that no one will sleep peacefully in the future. Maybe this is part of plan.

01 July 2006

The Incredible Story

This is a short story of fiction, maybe even science fiction, one that did not happen far , far away, but rather far in the future or is this far in the distant past? The date doesn’t matter because the time scale as we know it would be totally different and this race has evolved in many ways. The reality of living and the way of survival has completely changed. They were not aware of this change; this happened very long ago but for one, they have become much further advanced in the engineering and science world than we know about. They can travel vast distances in massive flying machines. Their physical bodies have evolved in such a way that they don’t need to eat anymore, although the normal way of eating can still be performed. Their digestive systems have become far more sensitive. They can recharge their bodies and “eat” by “consuming” the energies supplied by lesser beings, commonly referred to as plants and animals. Plants and animals produce energies when they are excited and the “flavour” of the “food” can be changed by creating energies of pleasure, pain or fear and this flavour also vary between the different species.

For millennia and generations everything on this planet went on normally but with their advanced scientific and astronomical knowledge they realize that their solar system will not last for long. Calculations show that the star close to their planet was imminent in becoming a super giant and possibly a super nova. They have no choice but to look for another home. They have observed another planet for a long time in another region of their galaxy. This planet went through many upheavals and disasters with another great disaster on its way, but this cosmic event will intersect with a great opportunity as well.

This planet is not only well suited for this advanced race now in transit towards this planet called Earth but also the “lesser” beings on this planet can provide massive quantities of “food”. They have many species of animals and plants, but more valuable than this; they have a great food source called humans. The traveling race has sent in advance fast traveling ships to prepare the new planet and make it comfortable for their arrival. Part of the preparation includes supplying the humans with knowledge to build certain technologies and structures that would make their lives easier upon arrival and this technology could be used against them in the future. It also includes creating various religion systems that would make the humans expectant of a great miracle to arrive in the future and when this miracle arrives, they must see this as a sign from their god or savior. These religions must also make them obedient and fearful of their gods, so when they arrive, they will be worshipped. This is all part of creating a welcoming party for the main ships and also to encounter no resistance when they take over their home.

The advance race is lucky to have found this planet. The humans are lazy, don’t want to think for themselves, are easily influenced by any forms of “authority” and can be easily persuaded and directed. The humans can also be very easily influenced and confused to cause harm in between them; creating war and destruction on their own. These hardships generate far better food sources for the digestive systems of this advanced race than they can get from any other food source. The promotion of sexual intercourse between humans has a similar effect and the advance race made extensive use of their technologies they have developed to promote these activities. These technologies includes images shown on television networks, a source the humans find more and more a way of life.

The advanced race is very close to completing its design and plans for the arrival of the main ships. This process took thousands of Earth years and the takeover plan is almost complete. Backup plans have been arranged and very little can stand in their way of conquering the planet. They do however fear exposure before the whole plan is complete, that humans might discover them and even more risky would be for the humans to see the lies everywhere. They fear that humans will discover that they are not on top of the food chain, that they are sources of food and with correct knowledge, will withhold this food source from them. They fear that humans will start to question things more and search for answers and gaining knowledge for themselves. They fear that humans will awake to see who they have become and what has been controlling their thoughts.

The advanced race knows that being discovered could be dangerous. They have to ensure the humans are occupied and kept busy with senseless things. Their thoughts and focus must either be controlled or diverted. At the moment both methods are working very well. As long as the humans believe that the enemy is that race, that religion or that country over there, then they won’t see the real enemy and danger all around them. They will belief what their news networks, priests, preachers and politicians tell them without verifying the facts for themselves. As long as the human race is hypnotized this way, they won’t awake and the advanced race will have nothing to worry about.

How will this story end? Has this happened before in ancient times and is this about to happen again?

[I have discovered this short story and translated it from Afrikaans into English from an anonymous author.]

28 May 2006

Would governments conspire and make things like 911 happen?

I am responding to an anonymous comment posted on my Blog article titled “The Pentagon Flight 77 crash video released”. The article was also posted on Shoutwire but for some reason my article was removed.

Thanks for your comment. I hope my blog motivated you to go and look for yourself and not to rely on what mainstream media says. You will be surprised to know that I actually agree with most of the things you’ve said.

I agree with you that we can’t give President Bush the “credit” for planning and staging such a well planned and organized event. I also agree with you that there were lots of small aircraft pieces to be found on the Pentagon’s lawn, I never said a missile struck the building. In fact, apart from knowing it was not a Boeing 757; I don’t know what really struck the building. If I had to guess, then I will have to say it was a small maneuverable aircraft with explosives on it. This will explain the small and only jet engine found inside the building and it will also explain why such a small hole was left in the building right after the crash and also why no marks are visible on the lawn, right before the impact zone.

I have to disagree with your theory that the plane “corkscrewed” into the pentagon. A Boeing 757 can’t do such maneuvers without falling apart from excessive G forces. Also if it was not flying level when it struck the Pentagon, then it was even more impossible for it to leave no marks on the approach to the building as was witnessed on the photos shortly after the innocent. There were no marks visible on the lawn at all. A good flash video was released on the Internet showing exactly this, have a look at:

I also agree with you that four planes were high jacked, but the issue about mobile phones being able to make connections to the ground (as “witnessed” on flight 93) at cruising altitudes (over 30 000 feet) makes me think something was stage managed.

Again I agree with you saying that Bus, couldn’t have pulled this off himself and exactly for the reason you’ve mentioned; “he would need the help of thousands of people”, do I also think it is impossible for someone like Osama Bin Laden, sitting in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan with a couple of his people, could have planned and pulled this off! This was planned and executed with military precision…

Yes, it is sad to think that so many innocent people had to die so that a new enemy had to be created. It is also very sad that the result of 911 caused so many more deaths of innocent people’s lives in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not to mention the freedoms taken away from people in the name of fighting “terrorism”. But maybe you should look back in history and see that this has happened before. You don’t have to look far back to see something similar that happened. Research the strange things that happened around the Pearl Harbor attack and you will be surprised to see what you will find. That event moved everyone’s support for the USA to get involved in WW2 and to “justify” dropping atomic bombs on thousands of innocent people in Japan.

Your strongly worded comments make me think you feel very passionate about your point of view. I don’t mind that you disagree with me; you are entitled to your own opinions. I would however recommend that should you feel so strongly about your opinion to voice it as such, your opinion only, don’t speak on behalf of others and maybe you can create your own blog or website to voice your concerns. I do however hope that my blog made you question things more and thanks for the invite to Area 51, but I am happy where I am now, thanks.

22 May 2006

Pentagon video

Just a short update from my previous post; the video showing the Boeing 757 going into the Pentagon, or should I rather say the video showing very little at all, should have looked like the one on this link instead: http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/editorials/signs20060518_WhatthePentagonVideoShouldHaveShown.php

Go and have a look what the size of the plane were suppose to look like compared to what was actually released...

17 May 2006

The Pentagon Flight 77 crash video released

Have you seen this video? Does it show a Boeing 757 crashing into the Pentagon? Go and have a look on CNN”s website. When I heard on the news that this video was released and I quote “Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77” I had visions of some clever computer graphic designer creating a movie to “proof” that a Boeing 757 did crash into the building.

The first thing this morning I did was to go and watch this video on CNN that proves everything and finally show that I was wrong; that a Boeing can disappear into a hole smaller than itself, disintegrate into reinforced concrete walls, leaving no large wing section torn off, totally vaporizing two large turbine engines, not to mention the most incredible flying skills ever displayed… So what did I see in this video? Have you gone there to look at it for yourself by now? Please do, because you might think I don’t see things realistically. Do you see a Boeing 757 in that video? There is something, it could be a small plane, but even that I can’t tell for sure after seeing; The Video proving everything!

See how clever CNN is. They say this will prove that “conspiracy theorists” are wrong, that a missile didn’t hit the building, that the plane wasn’t shot down. When did “conspiracy theorists” say that! Very few people suggested a missile, in fact I am careful not to suggest anything, just show the missing elements. Why can’t “they” explain the basic questions of physics, like getting some large plane into a small hole to start off with?

Well, I am not holding my breath for answers from the “free and fair” main stream media. Who knows maybe soon they will surprise me with a video from the hotel or garage that was confiscated minutes after this incident by the FBI. When they do finally show this video, then I will still ask the same questions; how can such a large plane make those maneuvers, how can this incompetent pilot (supposed to have been a “terrorist” that can’t even fly a Cessna properly) could make an almost impossible perfect crash, not leaving any marks on the lawn? If this plane miraculously did fit into that small hole in the wall so low to the ground, its large engines were supposed to drag on the ground, taking at least 1 meter deep earth trenches with it along the way? How almost everything disintegrated, no large wings or tail section left broken off as you can see an every plane crash site?

Thanks to the US Justice Department for releasing this very informative video. It shows nothing, it proves nothing and makes hopefully anyone “awake” to sit up and realize that the “official story” told by the media is total nonsense. I also hope this makes people question things more, because if you just listened to the story on the news that they now can “proof” with this video that a Boeing did hit the building, without checking the facts for yourself, then you would have gone to “sleep” and accept more things “they” tell you as being real.

28 April 2006

The Official 911 Conspiracy

There is a conspiracy theory going around that on that fateful day of the 11th September 2001 a couple of terrorists planned from inside a cave in Afghanistan an attack on the USA. According to this theory the attack was planned by an ex CIA operative; Osama Bin Laden. They had incredible luck on their side! They were able to catch the US defense system off guard, highjack 4 planes, fly two into the World Trade Center towers, one into the Pentagon and unfortunately for them, the last one did not reach its intended target.

This would not have been a conspiracy theory as told by the US government if it was not such an incredible story that would made any science fiction movie director sit up and notice. Let’s presume the first crash into the tower caught the authorities’ off-guard, that neither a warning of a plane off course nor any highjack alert went out to intercept the plane. And let’s also presume the horror of these men’s plans was only discovered after the second plane went into the Towers, so by then everyone knew that this was not an accident. Things really get strange after this event.

A third plane, Flight 77, a Boeing 757 with a wingspan of 38 meters and two large turbofan engines and a large tail section disappeared into a 5 meter diameter hole when it crashed into the Pentagon. It managed this by flying at a very high speed not touching the lawn in front of the building and the terrorist that was supposed to make this incredible maneuver could hardly fly a Cessna! The US government says this Boeing 757 was able to do just this and also penetrate 3 walls of reinforced concrete rings and that almost nothing was left of the plane after the crash. No wings, no tail section, no large engines were left behind apart from the “APU” turbine that doesn’t belong to a Boeing. According to the conspiracy theory from the authorities this was the case because of the speed and heat at the crash site, however all the passengers on the plane’s DNA were identified at the site… The videos that could show the Boeing crashing into the Pentagon were removed by FBI minutes after the event happened from a nearby garage and hotel rooftop.

The fourth plane, Flight 63, the passengers were able to make cell phone calls at a cruising attitude of 32000 feet. The technology for passengers to make cell calls on passenger planes were only made commercially available two years ago, so either that plane was a far advanced development plane or those calls were not made from that plane. According to the government’s official conspiracy theory, the plane was brought down by the passengers although the crash site does indicate that it must have been in several pieces before it struck the ground. The plane for some reason was spread out over a very large area at the crash site indicating either an explosion in mid air or maybe this aircraft was taken out by a military aircraft…but for now lets stay with the government’s story because it might make a good movie…oops wasn’t one made recently?

For the first time ever a steel framed building collapsed because of a fire! This is however the conspiracy theory of the US government. They say the planes removed some supporting structure and then incredibly the jet fuel burning caused the steel to weaken resulting in the collapse. Their conspiracy theory becomes even more incredible because then they talk about the pancake effect, must be a new scientific term because according to this theory the one floor collapsing on the one below resulted in the next floor weakening and falling onto the next. Not only did this pancake effect result in the two building falling perfectly on one center line, but also it fell at such a speed as if the one floor falling onto the next, encountered no resistance at all. In fact if someone at that moment when the buildings started to collapse were to drop a stone, both would have reached the ground at the same time!

Now the last part of the US government’s conspiracy theory is rather a non-theory because of no explanation given. The collapse of building 7, a 50 story building collapsing in similar fashion to the two main towers was met with silence, so they did not offer to explain why this building would collapse as if it was demolished and no plane hitting it. Neither did they say why they thought it would be safe to keep the US President at a highly publicized and televised event; at a primary school while this event was unfolding! For some reason they thought it would be safer there and the children would not be in danger although at that stage no one knew how many planes were high jacked nor where they were or what their intended targets were. The government’s conspiracy theory does also not explain why firemen and other eye witnesses heard many other explosions at the World Trade Center before the planes crashing and before and during the collapse of the three buildings.

There are so many theories about what happened on that day, but the conspiracy theory presented by the US government as the official one, seems to be the one with most of the holes in the story. But maybe people reading this article won’t want to think what the alternative could be. I must admit it is a scary thought to think that maybe the US Government could have sacrificed its own citizens by either planning 911 or allowed it to happen. Wouldn’t it be scary to know that the 3 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and that flight 77 had another fateful ending with something else crashed into the Pentagon instead and that Flight 63 was shot down?

If this official conspiracy theory from the US Government turns out to be a lie, will I not be surprised. Chances are this is not the first time a politician or government lied or withheld information about something. I am however surprised to see that no main stream news media aren’t doing any research and investigations of their own into these same questions. Should I be surprised?

16 March 2006

Why do governments kill?

What makes governments decide to invade other countries and kill people? Are governments not people too? Don’t they have families and kids that they love and adore? How can these same people give orders to invade other countries and subsequently kill their kids? We see today so much violence both in our streets and on the news channels. We see how the USA government can invade other countries (Afghanistan and Iraq to name a few recent ones), drop bombs indiscreetly on houses and buildings, killing many innocent people. We see how the Israeli government orders missile strikes on houses and buildings in Palestine, killing many innocent people. What happened to dialect and discussion? Don’t the people sitting on the opposite of the table have families and kids?

Are we not all humans here in this small planet trying to fight to survive and live in peaceful manner? Who are these few that want war and destruction? Is the “fight” for “democracy”, “freedom”, “peace” and “human rights” not just an illusion? We have seen how a government can create a war by either designing or allowing for 911 to happen to justify killing others. Must we keep on feeding this “industrial military complex” machine?

I look around me at my friends, collogues and every person I’ve met so far. I don’t see the desire in their thoughts and minds to destroy others. In fact most if not all are very considerate and kind to other people and they are from all walks of life and vary in race and religion hugely. So where does this desire from governments come from? Some governments impose the death penalty on their own people. Is this where it starts, if they can kill their “own”, then surely they may kill others in other countries?

Maybe we are not all the same humans on this planet. Maybe there is more than one type of human on this planet thinking differently. Maybe we are not in control of this planet. So many questions I know. It just frustrates me to see that governments are allowed to give killing orders indiscriminately and very few “humans” seems to question these motives. Sure, the mainstream media supports them and sure, the “polls” seems indicate that the “people” are behind their decisions (hope you notice my level of sarcasm here).

I wonder what this world would have looked like if our governments spent their budgets on healthcare, transport infrastructure, job creation etc instead of huge military budgets driving more wars and destruction. I wonder what will happen if we all as humans one day realize that we have a far larger and more dangerous enemy on this planet than that guy sitting in the cave with a headscarf on.

10 February 2006

The widening abyss between people and government

People reading my blog might think I am anti-American, anti-Bush or that my blog has political agendas. This is not the case. Currently in the world environment, the American issue has just become such a vivid example of how far apart governments of our world and their people (who supposedly elected for them in the first place), have drifted apart.

This can be seen everywhere in the world, even more so in Africa where corrupt officials live in luxury, fly around the world to conventions in their private planes, are transported in their luxury vehicles under heavily armed escorts, while many people living in their country wonder where their next meal will come from! Because of the large media exposure it is easier to show what is happening in America.

Here is the latest example of the abyss between government and the people:

They came to praise King and bury Bush

George W. Bush’s pathetic attempt to turn Coretta Scott King’s funeral into a politically-advantageous photo op fell flatter than his State of the Union speech Tuesday – a textbook example of just how out of touch the President has become with the American people.

"This commemorative ceremony this morning and this afternoon is not only to acknowledge the great contributions of Coretta and Martin, but to remind us that the struggle for equal rights is not over," said former President Carter, who remarks brought loud cheers. "We only have to recall the color of the faces of those in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, those who were most devastated by Katrina, to know that there are not yet equal opportunities for all Americans."

Carter’s comments ring true about Bush and his right-wing Republican followers – a group of rabid racists whose tokenism only deepens the racial divide in this country.

But Carter drew even louder cheers when he compared King’s struggles against FBI harassment and surveillance to Bush’s use of the National Security Agency and other government agencies to spy on Americans.

“It was difficult for them personally,” Carter said of both Kings, “with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretapping, other surveillance, and as you know, harassment from the FBI."

Bush tried his usual plastic smile but his body language clearly showed discomfort as speaker after speaker zeroed in on the hypocrisy of his Presidency – one that talks unity but practices division.

He offered phony applause when the Rev. Joseph Lowery, King protege and longtime critic, who cited Coretta King's opposition to the war in Iraq and scored the administration’s phony commitment to helping the poor.

"She deplored the terror inflicted by our smart bombs on missions way afar," Lowery said. "We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. But Coretta knew and we knew that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war, billions more, but no more for the poor."

When Bush’s turn came, the audience, for the most part, sat on their hands, offering only muted applause for his seven-minute eulogy. It was a pitiful performance by a President whose legacy is marked all too often by shameless self-promotion.

Longtime political scientist George Harleigh, who worked in both the Nixon and Reagan White House, called the President’s appearance at King’s funeral “the equivalent of a walk-on, a token but-failed attempt to show compassion that does not exist for a cause he does not support.

“George Bush has never been a compassionate man,” says Harleigh, “but lately he looks more detached than normal, like someone going through the motions, marking his time and hoping against hope that his time is not up.”

But Bush, despite his clumsy attempts to put on a strong public face, should realize he is living on borrowed time, not only as a lame duck President but as one who could well face impeachment if enough Democrats win seats in this fall’s House and Senate elections.

“The Bush era is coming to an end – in 2008 or perhaps even sooner,” Harleigh says. “It is an era that will not be remembered fondly.”

There is little doubt that George W. Bush will go down in history as one of the most controversial, morally-challenged, dishonest Presidents to serve at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. What remains in doubt is how his Presidency will end and whether or not there will be an America left to put that painful memory behind it.


03 February 2006

Another Bush and Blair lie exposed

A new memo was released where again the lies of the leaders of the “free” world are exposed. I can bet you that instead of the world media asking the real questions; like how can these leaders consider to use “false flag” operations, painting planes in UN colours and then draw Saddam into attacking them…creating a war situation, instead they will most likely go after whoever released this memo. The authorities will most likely prosecute whoever released this memo under some secrecy act, while the real deceivers and tyrants go free, unquestioned! If they are prepared to paints planes in UN colours and send them into Iraq to be attacked, then we should ask to what other measures they would take to get what they want. Would they for instance fake a 911 attack, using fake “terrorists” to create a perfect enemy and an endless war?

Here is a copy of the memo news article printed by Mail and Guardian Online:

Blair-Bush deal before Iraq war revealed in memo

British Prime Minister Tony Blair told United States President George Bush that he was "solidly" behind US plans to invade Iraq before he sought advice about the invasion's legality and despite the absence of a second United Nations resolution, according to a new account of the build-up to the war published on Friday.

A memo of a two-hour meeting between the two leaders at the White House on January 31 2003 -- nearly two months before the invasion -- reveals that Bush made it clear the US intended to invade whether or not there was a second UN resolution and even if UN inspectors found no evidence of a banned Iraqi weapons programme.

"The diplomatic strategy had to be arranged around the military planning", the president told Blair. The prime minister is said to have raised no objection. He is quoted as saying he was "solidly with the president and ready to do whatever it took to disarm Saddam".

The disclosures come in a new edition of Lawless World, by Phillipe Sands, a QC and professor of international law at University College, London. Sands last year exposed the doubts shared by British Foreign Office lawyers about the legality of the invasion in disclosures which eventually forced the prime minister to publish the full legal advice given to him by the attorney general, Lord Goldsmith.

The memo seen by Sands reveals:
  • Bush told Blair that the US was so worried about the failure to find hard evidence against Saddam that it thought of "flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft planes with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours". Bush added: "If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach [of UN resolutions]".
  • Bush even expressed the hope that a defector would be extracted from Iraq and give a "public presentation about Saddam's WMD". He is also said to have referred Blair to a "small possibility" that Saddam would be "assassinated".
  • Blair told the US president that a second UN resolution would be an "insurance policy", providing "international cover, including with the Arabs" if anything went wrong with the military campaign, or if Saddam increased the stakes by burning oil wells, killing children, or fomenting internal divisions within Iraq.
  • Bush told Blair that he "thought it unlikely that there would be internecine warfare between the different religious and ethnic groups". Blair did not demur, according to the book.

The revelation that Blair had supported the US president's plans to go to war with Iraq even in the absence of a second UN resolution contrasts with the assurances the prime minister gave Parliament shortly after. On February 25 2003 -- three weeks after his trip to Washington -- Blair told the Commons that the government was giving "Saddam one further, final chance to disarm voluntarily".

He added: "Even now, today, we are offering Saddam the prospect of voluntary disarmament through the UN. I detest his regime -- I hope most people do -- but even now, he could save it by complying with the UN's demand. Even now, we are prepared to go the extra step to achieve disarmament peacefully.

"On March 18, before the crucial vote on the war, he told MPs: "The UN should be the focus both of diplomacy and of action... [and that not to take military action] would do more damage in the long term to the UN than any other single course that we could pursue."

The meeting between Bush and Blair, attended by six close aides, came at a time of growing concern about the failure of any hard intelligence to back up claims that Saddam was producing weapons of mass destruction in breach of UN disarmament obligations. It took place a few days before the then US Secretary Colin Powell made claims -- since discredited -- in a dramatic presentation at the UN about Iraq's weapons programme.

Earlier in January 2003, Jack Straw, the British Foreign Secretary, expressed his private concerns about the absence of a smoking gun in a private note to Blair, according to the book. He said he hoped that the UN's chief weapons inspector, Hans Blix, would come up with enough evidence to report a breach by Iraq of is its UN obligations.

Downing Street did not deny the existence of the memo on Thursday night, but said: "The prime minister only committed UK forces to Iraq after securing the approval of the House of Commons in a vote on March 18, 2003." It added the decision to resort to military action to ensure Iraq fulfilled its obligations imposed by successive security council resolutions was taken only after attempts to disarm Iraq had failed. "Of course during this time there were frequent discussions between the UK and US governments about Iraq. We do not comment on the prime minister's conversations with other leaders."

Menzies Campbell, the British Liberal Democrat acting leader, said on Thursday night: "The fact that consideration was apparently given to using American military aircraft in UN colours in the hope of provoking Saddam Hussein is a graphic illustration of the rush to war. It would also appear to be the case that the diplomatic efforts in New York after the meeting of January 31 were simply going through the motions.

"The prime minister's offer of February 25 to Saddam Hussein was about as empty as it could get. He has a lot of explaining to do."

Sands says Jeremy Greenstock, Britain's UN ambassador at the time, told a foreign colleague he was "clearly uncomfortable" about the failure to get a second resolution. British Foreign Office lawyers consistently warned that an invasion would be regarded as unlawful. The book reveals that Elizabeth Wilmshurst, the FO's deputy chief legal adviser who resigned over the war, told the Butler inquiry into the use of intelligence during the run-up to the war, of her belief that Goldsmith, the attorney general, shared the FO view. According to private evidence to the Butler inquiry, Goldsmith told FO lawyers in early 2003: "The prime minister has told me that I cannot give advice, but you know what my views are".

On March 7 2003 he advised the prime minister that the Bush administration believed that a case could be made for an invasion without a second UN resolution. But he warned that Britain could be challenged in the international criminal court. Ten days later, he said a second resolution was not necessary. - Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005


01 February 2006

Another 911 was a hoax news article

Where do people have to go to read the Truth? Many people belief if something has not been reported in the main stream news, it has not happened. So if the main stream news sources are under limited control and they are told what and how to report, then only their “propaganda” will be “advertised”. Not only that, they will also be in control to divert attention away from a “difficult” topic or totally ignore it. And if all fails, they can claim that the people saying "controversial" things are only conspiracy theorists or totally nuts. They can also bombard you with their official versions of events and because it was broadcasted by the famous xyz, it must be true hey? So where do you go for your news today?

Well here is a copy of a recent article published by eMedia Wire:

Experts Claim Official 9/11 Story is a Hoax

Scholars for 9/11 Truth call for verification and publication by an international consortium.

Duluth, MN (PRWEB) January 30, 2006 -- A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, James H. Fetzer, Wayne Madsen, John McMurtry, Morgan Reynolds, and Andreas von Buelow, have concluded that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11.

They have joined with others in common cause as members of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), because they are convinced, based on their own research, that the administration has been deceiving the nation about critical events in New York and Washington, D.C.

These experts suggest these events may have been orchestrated by elements within the administration to manipulate Americans into supporting policies at home and abroad they would never have condoned absent "another Pearl Harbor."

They believe that this White House is incapable of investigating itself and hope the possibility that Congress might hold an unaccountable administration accountable is not merely naive or wishful thinking.

They are encouraging news services around the world to secure scientific advice by taking advantage of university resources to verify or to falsify their discoveries. Extraordinary situations, they believe, require extraordinary measures.

If this were done, they contend, one of the great hoaxes of history would stand naked before the eyes of the world and its perpetrators would be clearly exposed, which may be the only hope for saving this nation from ever greater abuse.

They hope this might include The New York Times, which, in their opinion, has repeatedly failed to exercise the leadership expecedt from our nation's newspaper of record by a series of inexplicable lapses. It has failed to vigorously investigate tainted elections, lies leading to the war in Iraq, or illegal NSA spying on the American people, major unconstitutional events. In their view, The Times might compensate for its loss of stature by helping to reveal the truth about one of the great turning-point events of modern history.

Stunning as it may be to acknowledge, they observe, the government has brought but one indictment against anyone and, to the best of their knowledge, has not even reprimanded anyone for incompetence or dereliction of duty. The official conspiracy theory--that nineteen Arab hijackers under control of one man in the wilds of Afghanistan brought this about--is unsupportable by the evidential data, which they have studied. They even believe there are good reasons for suspecting that video tapes officially attributed to Osama bin Laden are not genuine.

They have found the government's own investigiation to be severely flawed. The 9/11 Commission, designated to investigate the attack, was directed by Philip Zelikow, part of the Bush transition team in the NSA sector and the co-author of a book with Condoleezza Rice. A Bush supporter and director of national security affairs, he could hardly be expected to conduct an objective and impartial investigation.

They have discovered that The 9/11 Commission Report is replete with omissions, distortions, and factual errors, which David Ray Griffin has documented in his book, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. The official report, for example, entirely ignores the collapse of WTC7, a 47-story building, which was hit by no airplanes, was only damaged by a few small fires, and fell seven hours after the attack.

Here are some of the kinds of considerations that these experts and scholar find profoundly troubling:

* In the history of structural engineering, steel-frame high-rise buildings have never been brought down due to fires either before or since 9/11, so how can fires have brought down three in one day? How is this possible?

* The BBC has reported that at least five of the nineteen alleged "hijackers" have turned up alive and well living in Saudi Arabia, yet according to the FBI, they were among those killed in the attacks. How is this possible?

* Frank DeMartini, a project manager for the WTC, said the buildings were designed with load redistribution capabilities to withstand the impact of airliners, whose effects would be like "puncturing mosquito netting with a pencil." Yet they completely collapsed. How is this possible?

* Since the melting point of steel is about 2,700*F, the temperature of jet fuel fires does not exceed 1,800*F under optimal conditions, and UL certified the steel used to 2,000*F for six hours, the buildings cannot have collapsed due to heat from the fires. How is this possible?

* Flight 77, which allegedly hit the building, left the radar screen in the vicinity of the Ohio/Kentucky border, only to "reappear" in very close proximity to the Pentagon shortly before impact. How is this possible?

* Foreign "terrorists" who were clever enough to coordinate hijacking four commercial airliners seemingly did not know that the least damage to the Pentagon would be done by hitting its west wing. How is this possible?

* Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, in an underground bunker at the White House, watched Vice President Cheney castigate a young officer for asking, as the plane drew closer and closer to the Pentagon, "Do the orders still stand?" The order cannot have been to shoot it down, but must have been the opposite. How is this possible?

* A former Inspector General for the Air Force has observed that Flight 93, which allegedly crashed in Pennsylvania, should have left debris scattered over an area less than the size of a city block; but it is scattered over an area of about eight square miles. How is this possible?

* A tape recording of interviews with air traffic controllers on duty on 9/11 was deliberately crushed, cut into very small pieces, and distributed in assorted places to insure its total destruction. How is this possible?

* The Pentagon conducted a training exercise called "MASCAL" simulating the crash of a Boeing 757 into the building on 24 October 2000, and yet Condoleezza Rice, among others, has repeatedly asserted that "no one ever imagined" a domestic airplane could be used as a weapon. How is this possible?

Their own physics research has established that only controlled demolitions are consistent with the near-gravity speed of fall and virtually symmetrical collapse of all three of the WTC buildings. While turning concrete into very fine dust, they fell straight-down into their own footprints.

These experts and scholars have found themselves obliged to conclude that the 9/11 atrocity represents an instance of the approach--which has been identified by Karl Rove, the President's closest adviser--of "creating our own reality."


27 January 2006

Who benefits from a Hamas win?

Who could have predicted a win by Hamas? Not even they themselves predicted for this to happen! The exit poles gave Hamas only a third of the potential vote, so how did it differ so drastically? Where in the world has this also happened where exit poles shows someone else will win and the final “count” resulted in the opposite effect? In United States of America of course! In the presidential election where Bush won with fewer votes over Gore.

So I wonder how this new “upset” in the world of “democracy” has happened. Is it possible that the result was again fabricated? Who would benefit from a militant group like Hamas taking control through an “open and free” election? Does this not maybe play into the hands of people looking to create an enemy for the world? Does this not maybe suit the “war lords”; United States of America’s fight against “terrorism”? Does this not play into the hands of Israel to justify putting up the wall of “apartheid” faster, further dividing the region?

So many questions, I know…I don’t have the answers for them! Or I should rather say, I think I know a portion of them but they are to depressing and scary to write about on this blog. Hamas winning this election is almost as scary as Bush winning a second term in the office!

19 January 2006

Who writes our history?

I have thought about this subject many times. Who is responsible to write history books? I use the country I reside in (South Africa) as an example. Here we only have around 350 years of recorded history since the Europeans arrived. Those days it was mostly Dutch settlers but soon they were joined by French, English and other nationalities. After the Boer war this country became part of the British government and history books were written how the English defeated the Boers in their stand to try and establish their own country. Later the land was handed back to “the people” of South Africa and history books and school training manuals were changed to show awful that Boer war was and how the English were only able to win it by burning farms and placing thousands and thousands of women and kids in concentration camps, causing many fatalities. Now South Africa’s “ownership” belongs to the people who were here originally before the Europeans arrived. So history books are being changed again to reflect the evils of the previous Apartheid system and how the current regime has defeated the previous.

This is a short example of how in a short space of time, with three regime changes, writing different history books, highlighting their causes and victory over the other. A person being born today in South Africa will be told the evils of Apartheid and the fall of the Afrikaner regime, if you were born 50 years ago, you would be taught about the Afrikaner regime overcoming the British despite suffering huge losses and destruction and if you were born another 100 years before that, you would be told how your fellow Europeans overcome and killed the local “savages” of the time residing in this land. So it all depends in what period you were born and what the current “story” is that will form inside you an idea of what the world is about.

So who wrote religious books like the Bible? What were their agenda when it was decided in this format the book should be written. What pieces of history were left out or added to suit their view of the world? People are very quick to question a new piece of scientific discovery when it is slightly controversial, but the same somehow doesn’t apply with religion. It is as if we belief that the people that lived 2000 years ago were not deceitful, that somehow everything that was written by various people and changed and translated over and over again, that the truth remained. It is quite interesting that books like the Da Vinci Code (Dan Brown) had been so popular because that book questions so many things about our history of Christianity. I’ve also read an interesting article on the Internet by Laura Knight-Jadczyk titled: The Ark of the Covenant and the Temple of Solomon about ideas around who actually wrote the Bible. The link to the first page is here: http://cassiopaea.org/cass/biblewho1.htm

Who is busy writing the history books on 911? There are so many conflicting reports on what really happened that day, but I can bet you the US government will write the history books, ignoring all the questions asked and blaming the Arab, extremist terrorists for that fateful day. Will they also confuse the issues by saying on one page it was Bin Laden and on the next, link him to Sadam Hussein to justify “their” war on Iraq? The United States of America wrote history books for a long time and it goes back to Christopher Columbus. It is sad that the local Indian population never had a chance to write their own history books after almost being wiped out by the settlers. There are now reports of a Chinese map dating back to 1418 showing the world not yet discovered then:

I am sure this map will be explained as some kind of fake. Surely our history books tells us that we crawled out of the ocean as a fish after developing lungs, to eventually become a “modern” human after developing through millions of years. We must now be at the peak of human development. Surely those stories of previous advanced civilizations like Atlantis are all myths…surely we develop in a straight line, always improving? I wonder what historical “facts” will be written in our new history books by our future governments.

09 January 2006

Did a Boeing REALLY crash into the Pentagon?

I have written about the question around the truth of what happened on 911 before. There seems to be now lots of counter websites to mislead and re-direct any person searching for the truth. I have come across two sites that explain firstly the details of the Boeing 757 and how it was not possible for a plane that size to leave such a small hole in the wall, not to mention being able to maneuver a few inches from the ground not touching the lawn before impact!

The excellent self explanatory article can be found under the title: Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 and Neither Did a Boeing 757 and the link is: http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/Above_Top_Secret_article.htm

The next article I found was posted on a blog and was a very nice article about how and to what measures are being taken to counter the exposing of truth. The article titled: COINTELPRO Updates: Above Top Secret Forum and the link is: http://laura-knight-jadczyk.blogspot.com/

I wish more and more people can start to ask questions and look more objectively into matters. Maybe if we continue to write articles and question things as the average world citizen, then mainstream media might become compelled to actually start doing real investigative reporting. If a crime like 911 was committed by a government or individuals within the government using its own citizen’s lives to justify a war against Afghanistan and Iraq, then these crimes needs to be exposed. If we don’t and allow for more lies to be covered up, then we are destined to experience more of them!