05 December 2007

Should we worry about global cooling instead?

Everyone talk about global warming and how humans were responsible for this. Global corporations are jumping on this opportunity because they see a unique situation to make more money. Governments around the world also see opportunities to get more taxes from us. Now they can tax us for everything that they or scientists perceive as us contributing to this global warming of Earth. So instead of developing technologies that are more efficient, they “charge” us for using their inefficient power sources like electric grids, gas guzzling cars, long range flights and even food.

Now new research indicates that we could be looking at a potential ice age soon. This all comes from looking at the solar effects on the sun. In this article: http://www.sott.net/articles/show/144859-What-s-going-on-with-the-Sun-Will-it-save-us-from-global-warming- it is explained that although we should have moved through a solar minimum, moving to the next sunspot maximum, this has not happened. The low sunspot activity has not happened since the period between 1645 and 1915 when a mini ice age was experienced in Europe.

So does this mean we should stop worrying about global warming? To what effect has our global warming been the result of human activity or have the majority of global warming effects been from external forces like the Sun? The article above says the following: “They estimate that the Sun's reduced activity may cause a global temperature drop of 1.5C by 2020. This is larger than most sensible predictions of man-made global warming over this period.”

It does appear that we might have to get ourselves ready for some serious cold instead. On account of this article it looks like global warming will be replaced by an ice age instead. Looks like Al Gore will have to make another documentary.