Now new research indicates that we could be looking at a potential ice age soon. This all comes from looking at the solar effects on the sun. In this article: it is explained that although we should have moved through a solar minimum, moving to the next sunspot maximum, this has not happened. The low sunspot activity has not happened since the period between 1645 and 1915 when a mini ice age was experienced in Europe.
So does this mean we should stop worrying about global warming? To what effect has our global warming been the result of human activity or have the majority of global warming effects been from external forces like the Sun? The article above says the following: “They estimate that the Sun's reduced activity may cause a global temperature drop of 1.5C by 2020. This is larger than most sensible predictions of man-made global warming over this period.”
It does appear that we might have to get ourselves ready for some serious cold instead. On account of this article it looks like global warming will be replaced by an ice age instead. Looks like Al Gore will have to make another documentary.
No need to worry about global warming/cooling, rather worry about the global epidemic:AIMS
What is aims ?
Acquired Irrational Mind-Set(aims) is a common metal dysfunction that is conveyed from generation to generation. It is transmitted socially from parents to their children, and it reinforced by the social system, by a process called; 'education'. It is acquired at a very early age, by means of applied social pressure. Man is born into an aims infected society. The Word refers to aims infected man as "natural man", and to those who are cured from aims as "spiritual man".
Who is infected with aims?
Every human being that is born, gets infected with aims. It happens at a very early age, usually before the end of the first year of a person's life. The social pressure is overwhelming and all humans beings are subject to the curse. Aims is the curse that has haunted mankind since the fall of Adam and Eve. Once a person has fallen, he will be saddled with aims(an irrational mind-set) until he is cured, or until he physically dies, should he not be cured. This is the message according to my gospel.
What are the symptoms of aims?
Aims is the only mental dysfunction that exists, all other dysfunctions are symptoms of aims. Some of the symptoms of aims are; war, pollution, sexual abuse, abortion, homosexuality, alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, depression, anxiety attacks, murder, lying, stealing, hatred, jealousy, and many more deviant behavioral manifestations. Everything that is wrong with man, is caused by aims.
Besides these symptoms, there are also the fabricated social dysfunctions. These symptoms are clearly apparent in the so called sciences like mathematics, and physics, however they are present in all the branches of 'knowledge'. Elementary principles are distorted, false premises made, which then lead to false theories, in an attempt to make sense out of nonsense. The 'special theory of relativity' is a case in point. Another example relates to number theory, and the fallacy of incommensurability. See " The Inconvenient Reality " for an outline of the skewed logic of those infected with aims.
How can aims be cured ?
There is only one cure for aims; conversion, the restoration of reason. Conversion is the process whereby man confesses in faith that he is infected, and then asks for forgiveness by showing remorse. Once this is done natural man is transformed and becomes spiritual man.
Amen !
John 3:16
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