05 December 2007

Should we worry about global cooling instead?

Everyone talk about global warming and how humans were responsible for this. Global corporations are jumping on this opportunity because they see a unique situation to make more money. Governments around the world also see opportunities to get more taxes from us. Now they can tax us for everything that they or scientists perceive as us contributing to this global warming of Earth. So instead of developing technologies that are more efficient, they “charge” us for using their inefficient power sources like electric grids, gas guzzling cars, long range flights and even food.

Now new research indicates that we could be looking at a potential ice age soon. This all comes from looking at the solar effects on the sun. In this article: http://www.sott.net/articles/show/144859-What-s-going-on-with-the-Sun-Will-it-save-us-from-global-warming- it is explained that although we should have moved through a solar minimum, moving to the next sunspot maximum, this has not happened. The low sunspot activity has not happened since the period between 1645 and 1915 when a mini ice age was experienced in Europe.

So does this mean we should stop worrying about global warming? To what effect has our global warming been the result of human activity or have the majority of global warming effects been from external forces like the Sun? The article above says the following: “They estimate that the Sun's reduced activity may cause a global temperature drop of 1.5C by 2020. This is larger than most sensible predictions of man-made global warming over this period.”

It does appear that we might have to get ourselves ready for some serious cold instead. On account of this article it looks like global warming will be replaced by an ice age instead. Looks like Al Gore will have to make another documentary.

11 August 2007

Zimbabwe economic collapse is only a test run

The current situation of extreme government control and police state rule is only a test run for implementation into the rest of the world. This is an experiment to see how far people can be pushed into more poverty, more control and less choices before they stand up for their own rights. So far the experiment must be quite promising to the ones in charge. Not since the Second World War has a country seen such high inflation rates. There is total control over the country’s news reporting internally. The country has written new laws to take over land and businesses of those who don’t comply with their regulations.

So why has this experiment proven to be so successful? Well, even Zimbabwe’s neighbors like the South African government who has supposedly fought for “human rights” will remain silent while thousands of Zimbabweans don’t know where their next meal will come from. Thousands more has decided to move to other countries out of desperation. The people of Zimbabwe themselves seems to have accepted their fate, saying they hope the next election will be fair so that a new government can be voted into power.

We actually see this happening all over the world. People seem to trust the “democratic” way and think that voting systems are flawless. We think that the people representing them in power are reflecting their views and best wishes. Even worse, we have reached a stage where we don’t care. We are occupied by our own lives; our work, the next sporting event or TV programme. We don’t care about what is happening next to us, unless it affects us directly.

Politicians around the world don’t see their positions as a service to their people anymore. They see it as the ultimate power position. The ultimate place to control others, make money and get fame. The system of “democracy” whereby electing the party or person with the most charisma created the ideal breeding ground for psychopaths. The person looking for power and control is ideal for individuals who can lie and do well in acting. A person that has no compassion or real feelings can “act” his way into power. They will be perfect liars and cheats and will be able to get their way into or out of any situation.

So who will do the finger pointing after Mugabe has left? Who will say why haven’t we done anything? Who will say but we have not known this was happening? This is a repeating syndrome it seems. We never learn. Bad things happen in broad daylight and only afterwards do we ask the questions. In Germany we’ve had Hitler, in the Middle East we have Israel terrorizing the Palestinians, we have the USA terrorizing the planet it seems with its war and invasion plans and in Africa we have Mugabe. It seems each continent has its own dark horse to show us the nature of things influencing the human race.

02 August 2007

Cellphone towers are safe, as long as you think they are safe.

In a recent study completed by the University of Essex, researchers found that people fell ill to the closeness of cell phone towers because they think it will have a negative effect on them. They found that the cell phone towers were not responsible for people feeling anxiety, nausea and fatigue. They found however that the people who thoughts cell phone towers were a bad for them, caused them to then show the symptoms like anxiety.

If this study is true, then we might have found a cure for the whole world. Just think positive things and you will be fine! So let’s all stop worrying about all kinds of things and we will be safe from everything. Ok, let me try it; that secretive Osama Bin Laden, doesn’t exist! Terrorism, none existent! Poverty and hunger, no more! Diseases like TB, AIDS, Cancer and Flu is all just a figment of my old imagination. Whew…I feel much better now, do you?

I find it strange in the article that was released about cell towers that actual research was not done on the effects of the towers close proximity to humans. Instead the research concluded that the people’s knowledge of these devices made them sick? Is it not like saying; staying next to the Chernobyl Nuclear power plant is fine unless you think that radio active fall-out is bad for you?

Maybe one day research companies other than those funded by the Cell phone networks will do proper research into the safety of cell phone towers. Maybe one day independent research companies will also do research on the side effects of medicines without being paid by the pharmaceutical companies themselves to do it. Maybe one day real research will be done on GM (genetic modified) foods. Until that day comes; I prefer to keep researching and reading on potential dangers of all the new developments in food, medicine and technology. I don’t belief ignoring it will protect me!

01 July 2007

The Earth is flat…again!

It has happened; we have come around in circles and now if you belief anything other than the Earth is the center of the Universe, that the sun rotates around the Earth and that it is actually flat; then you will go to hell. This is what the theory of creationism is telling us, well almost. In the USA it has become a huge political controversy and expect this way of thinking to come to a country near you.

This reminds me a bit about Douglas Adams’ book; Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe where he says there are no living things in the universe because and I quote: “It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, but that not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so if every planet in the universe has a population of zero, then the entire population of the universe must also be zero, and any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.”

Now people will belief the world is only 6000 years old because the Bible says it is? Is this what could be called blind faith? Then you get people that will say that you should not read it literally, but then will in the same breath quote another section of the Bible and say it is the only truth. So if you are a Christian, you must either take everything in the Bible as literal truth or you have to be judgmental to what was meant as the literal truth and what was a metaphor for something.

How is it that people will say; but the Bible says….and quote it ad-nauseam and never think about looking at the correctness of this source in detail? I once ask someone if he has done some research about the origins of the Bible, who wrote it and to my surprise he told me he had. Then he pulled out books for me to read to prove the Bible is real and not corrupted and all those books were written by Christian scholars and professors. Now really! Does he expect someone following the faith will truly research the Bible’s history and report inaccuracies? Does he expect these people will truly question things that don’t fit?

Isn’t it like asking a pharmaceutical company whether their products are potentially dangerous or poisonous to human consumption? Do you expect the pharmaceutical company to release reports to show harmful and potential side effects? Surely they will release all kinds of white papers to prove the benefits of the drug and leave the fine print somewhere to protect them against any legal action. Now the Bible, like all the other mind controlling religions around the world has the same hidden fine print. It is called mind programming from an early age. Not to question your “faith”, to blindly accept what you are told.

Not to long ago the same religions would have burnt you at the stake if you questioned them for saying the world is actually round or rotates around the sun. Now a museum has opened in Kentucky, USA to tell you that the world was created 6000 years ago in 6 days. The museum depicts dinosaurs alongside Adam and Eve and apparently even on Noah’s Ark! Now they just need to ad a flat Earth and depict how the Sun rotates around it and we will be back in the dark ages.

22 June 2007

Snakes in Suits

The book; Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work by Paul Babiak and Robert D. Hare is an interesting book http://www.amazon.com/Snakes-Suits-When-Psychopaths-Work/dp/0060837721 that describes and also shows that psychopaths are not the type you see in movies with characters like Hannibal Lector. The “successful” psychopaths are the ones that can even imitate empathy; they can also recognize other psychopaths and collude with them.

Off course this is not just confined to the corporate office environment. The same applies to the “democratic” political system of the West. This reminds me of a quote by Douglas Adams: “Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”

Another excellent book looking more into the political side of psychopaths is; Political Ponerology and can be found on this link: http://redpillpress.com/retail/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=45&zenid=cfd26e78ce90fe90101bf5422b8c7429 and another good reference to this book is here: http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/articles/show/134866-Political+Ponerology

Normally I don’t refer to books in my blog, but I think these books are important for those that need to know for their own protection and knowledge.

02 June 2007

US pay compensation to Iraq

Information has been released that the US military is paying Iraqi civilians compensation for “accidental” loss of life. They call this “condolence” payment and this is capped at $2500 which is offered without admission of guilt or fault.

Now I suppose for those receiving money for loosing a family member in an illegal invasion is better than nothing, but who allowed for this to happen in the first place? Why are the politicians responsible for this invasion not being held accountable? They were the ones who gave the orders to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. They might have acted on incorrect intelligence data, but they decided to drop bombs, launch missiles while the UN requested more time looking for the weapons of mass destruction.

They decided to act fast; not waiting another week or two and the result of their actions meant the death of thousands of civilians just from the initial invasion. These compensations are not being paid to the people of Iraq who lost their family members during the time when thousands of high altitude bombs and missiles rained on their land.

The compensations are only being paid to recent events, for example when the US military mistakenly opened fire on a car and discovered the car was transporting women and children, killing and maiming them as a result. So if the US military is paying compensation to admit their mistakes (unofficially), when will we see the likes of GW Bush and Tony Blair appear before an International court to defend their aggressive military actions?

We have seen Sadam Hussein appear in such a court. He was found guilty for killing 148 civilian men and boys in Dujail. He was found guilty by this court and sentence to death by hanging. So it appears there is a measure in place to treat dictators and war criminals for their evil acts. Then why are people like GW Bush and Tony Blair not appearing before this court to be tried for lying to the world and for killing thousands of civilian people?

27 May 2007

Prison camps for Americans

What has happened to this world since 911? According to the powers that be it has become a very dangerous place to live in. We need all kinds of protection and all the measures put into place for our own peace of mind and sense of security. If we have to fly now, we need to be triple checked, our luggage is not only x-rayed; certain items needs to be placed in clear for everyone to see bags. Liquids have restriction in size and I wonder what is happening to all those nail clippers, scissors and sharp items that get confiscated everyday at security checkpoints in airports around the world?

Then we have more and more security cameras going up, people’s private lies is not private anymore. Our e-mails, voice conversations and money transactions are checked and intercepted for any “terror activities”. Expect these treatments if you are one of the “good” citizens, the treatment for “bad” ones are much worse. They get to go to prison camps without any trails or any opportunity to proof their innocence. There they will be subjected to all kind of torture methods; psychological and physical. After many years of this treatment they will surprisingly “confess” to their “terrorist” deeds and “evil” plans to the world news media after a special military court case.

Now expect this sort of treatment if you are a second rate world citizen. You see, for some reason the media will place more importance on the lives of “western people”. The number of Americans dying in their invasion of Iraq will be televised on a daily basis, the number of Iraqi’s dying will never be told. The same is happening in the Israeli conflict with its neighbors. If an Israeli soldier is kidnapped in a foreign country, they will destroy that country, killing hundreds of people as witnessed in Lebanon recently.

So what will make people say they don’t accept the treatment of war prisoners in Guantanamo Bay? How is it possible that in the 21 century; America can have prison camps and torture people? I thought places like the United Nations are there to prevent these kinds of things from happening. Why are all the governments of the world quiet on these matters? Are they all in on this; agreeing to the treatment of these people?

Maybe the world will react differently if it was Americans being held in prison camps. How would the world react if American soldiers were held in prison camps without trial and tortured in Iraq or Afghanistan for their war crimes? Maybe people are silent about places like Guantanamo Bay, because it doesn’t affect them. Maybe people believe the government’s stories. That the “bad” people are out there, they happen to be of a different race and religion. Because they are “second rate citizens” and labeled as “terrorists”; do they deserve this kind of treatment?

The risk with this view is, that maybe one day you might not agree with your government, maybe one day you will be labeled a terrorist for your disagreement, maybe one day you will find yourself at a “Guantanamo Bay”. Will other people then care about you? Will you expect other people, the UN and news media to stand up for your rights? When something like this happens to any of you out there, then I hope that there are others like me writing about it!

21 May 2007

Fundamentalism Christianity in Sport

This weekend’s Final of the Super 14 rugby showed how extreme people’s view of religion can be. After the game most (if not all) of the winning team members commented that they want to thank God for their victory.

I need to ask the question, what made them think that God decided they should be victorious over their competitors? Were they better men? Did their God favour them over their competitors? Were their competitors’ bad people? Did their competitors sin against this God to favour the winning team? What if they have lost the game? Would they have blamed their God for the loss?

Then a player from the winning team was wearing a white shirt with the words; “Jesus is King” written on it. While the other team members appeared in their rugby jerseys during the trophy presentation, this one team member proudly made sure his white shirt was available for all the TV cameras and photographers to see.

If the same guy was wearing the words; “Allah is the Lord” or “Praise to Mohammed” or “Satan is King” or “911 was an inside job” or “Impeach Bush for the lies told”…etc, would he have been allowed to wear that t-shirt during the televised Super 14 rugby trophy presentation?

Somehow I think if he was any other religion or wanted to make any controversial statement or alternative religious view; he would have been prevented from wearing it. If he had a pro-Islam message, he would have most likely been told not to display his religious views. Some people would most likely then have labeled him as a terrorist with extreme religious views.

Why was this player allowed to wear a t-shirt with blatant pro-Christianity advertising on the field? It made me really sad to see this happening. I can imagine this player having no feelings of empathy or compassion towards anyone else’s view and he felt the need to enforce his own religious view upon others. It was a sad day for sport to see religious “scoring” being used (and abused) by fundamentalist Christians.

19 March 2007

When truth is stranger than fiction

We hear it so many times when we watch news programmes; “we are here to tell you the truth”, “we uncover the hidden secrets”, “we ask questions others avoid”…but are these statements true? Do news networks truly question and investigate something when even scientists struggle to explain the official version of events. What am I talking about? Well, I am not talking about UFO’s or Men in Black but what seems to be the biggest puzzle in modern times that happened right in front of our eyes. I am talking about the strange events that happened on that fateful day in USA what is now referred to as 911.

The “official” version of events tells us that a couple of “terrorists” led by Bin Laden or is it now Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; planned and executed an attack on the most advanced military in this world. They high-jacked four planes flew three into buildings and one did not reach its target and was crashed into the ground when the passengers took over the plane from the “terrorists”. Reading it just like this it almost sounds plausible, maybe they were just damn lucky to get it right, maybe they were damn lucky for fighter planes to not be scrambled and ordered to take the planes out before they crashed into the buildings. Maybe it was just a bad day for the people that perform this duty on a daily basis, getting calls to investigate planes not responding to the ATC.

But then if you are not the average person that accepts everything that he/she is told, then you would have read about all the things that don’t ad up. Maybe you are also one of those people that wonder how three steel framed buildings can collapse due to a fire; something that has never happened before in history. Do you also question how a Boeing could fit into a hole smaller than itself and leave very little behind and a perfect lawn at the Pentagon? Do you also question how people on Flight 93 were able to make cell phone calls at cruising altitudes and then be scattered in tiny pieces over a large area when the plane was supposed to have been crashed?

People reading my articles would notice that I write about 911 all the time and maybe you will ask why I do this. Well, there are many things wrong in this world, but seldom do you get to see a cover-up in plane sight. Here it is out in the open for those who can question things and for those that can see. Flight 77 made maneuvers impossible for a rookie pilot to perform and most definitely impossible for a Boeing to perform. The speed and altitude it struck the Pentagon would have left the engines scraping on the ground before impact, but the lawn was left in a perfect condition. The hole after impact is too small for the fuselage to fit into and the two large engines, two wings and whole tail section seem to have disappeared or somehow, instead of breaking off, folded up nicely and also squeezed into that hole to small for the fuselage.

So what happened to Flight 77 if that was not a Boeing that struck the Pentagon? Well ask the guys who told us that it was. Recently they launched video “evidence” to show it was the Boeing that struck the Pentagon. Have you seen it? If you have, then you will be even more concerned about what happened to the people on that plane. The video footage that would have shown the flight path and impact of the plane was removed by FBI shortly after the crash at a petrol station and a hotel. Where is that video footage that will prove me wrong?

Structural engineers have shown that steel framed buildings can’t weaken due to fire. Especially not fire from Jet fuel as the “experts” say have happened. Jet fuel burn at to low temperatures to weaken steel and even if it somehow went against scientific rules and did weaken the structure, it would have partially collapsed and would not have come down in less than 10 second at free fall speed as if no resistance was offered. Now this looks like demolition to me and then we have building number 7, a 48 storey building in the complex that was reported “collapsed” before it actually happened by the large media houses. Now how did this building collapse if the “experts” say the twin towers came down because of jet fuel? No plane struck this building at all.

Maybe one day the truth will be told on what really happened on that day, maybe only some of it will be told. Maybe if more and more people ask and push the issue, then will something else happen to deflect this questioning? Maybe I will be proven wrong or partially wrong, who knows, but what worries me is that something else might have happened on that day that could have a far worse consequence for mankind than a couple of “terrorists” that might have been involved. The evil might not be “over there” as we are being told by our mainstream media, it might be right here between us. Just maybe the evil looks like us and will not hesitate to hurt, mane and kill innocent people and blame it on someone else (over there) to justify a war.

15 March 2007

Man responsible for 911 confesses

Finally we can now all sleep better at night. The person responsible for planning and executing the attack on America; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has now confessed for being the person responsible for 911. This has been widely reported on all the news networks. The networks don’t question his confession seeing that he was held since 2003 without a trial at USA’s prison camp; Guantanamo Bay where rumors of torture and other human right infringements seems to be happening on a daily basis.

The news networks also don’t seem to ask how he planned and manage to highjack 4 planes and take control of the aircraft with pilots who struggled to fly light aircraft. Nor have they asked how he manages to keep the world's most advanced air defence on the ground during the time they flew into the buildings. How he master minded and switched off the anti-aircraft defence system at the Pentagon mind boggles me. How did he manage and planned for a plane like a Boeing 757 to fit into a smaller hole than its own circumference and make the wings and two large engines disintegrate?

They really need to ask him these questions, because I am sure scientists would love to know these details for them to adjust their books on physics and change their formulas on strength of materials when it comes to steel beams. How did he know that fire could make steel weaken enough to make three buildings totally collapse? I am sure insurance firms around the world have increased their insurance premiums now that they know that fire can in fact make steel structured buildings totally collapse, although scientists said this could not happen.

I am sure the scientific community is re-writing their books as we speak. They must by now teach students in universities that a fire burning at a lower temperature than would make steel weaken, will result in a total collapse of the building. I am sure structural engineers are now taught to factor this into their building designs, that the strength of steel needs a much higher safety factor because fire can make them weak enough to collapse the whole structure.

So now that the man that was responsible for all these evil deeds has confessed, maybe he will now be tried in a real court of law. Then hopefully he will be asked these and other puzzling questions to make us better understand our world. And when he has been tried, hopefully he will be jailed in a proper jail so that we can sleep peacefully. The man who master minded 911 from start to finish has now been caught and all those “conspiracy” theorists were wrong. You don’t need demolition explosives to take down 3 tall buildings, you don’t need experienced pilots to fly Boeings and these Boeings can fit and disappear in holes smaller than themselves. Time for bed, good night…

04 March 2007

Three Buildings collapsed by fire?

For the first time in history, fire caused 3 buildings to collapse. Nowhere in history had this happened before. As recent as in 2005 a 32 storey building in Spain burned for 2 days and the whole structure remained intact. So why can 3 buildings have collapsed due to fire in NY during 911?

Some say that the planes crashing into the Twin Towers weakened the structure, causing it to collapse. But these buildings were in fact designed with the possibility of a Boeing 707 (the biggest plane during construction) to crash into the building keeping the structure sound. The Twin Towers were designed with its core strength down the centre of each building. If those planes took out the outer beams, the building would have remained intact. Some people say the heat generated by the jet fuel caused the steel to weaken. But jet fuel doesn’t burn at the required temperature to have weakened the steel and in video footage you can actually see people standing at the gaping hole where the plane entered the building after impact. So how could there have been hot burning, steel weakening fires ragging as suggested by the “experts”?

So what caused these two buildings to collapse? Also the 3rd building, building number 7 in the complex (a 47 story building); collapsed without any aircraft hitting its structure. What makes this event even more peculiar is that CNN and BBC reported that the building has collapsed before this has actually happened. Who supplied these news networks with this information that the building collapsed, how was these people to know it would also collapse unless someone knew it would be demolished? Are they the same people that supplied the news networks with the information that Bin Laden was responsible? That a couple of people living in a cave in Afghanistan planned and executed this enormous feet? They were able or lucky that the air defence was called to stand down and also for some reason managed to catch the automatic air defence system off guard at the Pentagon. This system was supposed to deploy anti-aircraft missiles if a non-military aircraft ignored the non fly-zone rules.

I find it even more surprising that although so many gaping holes exist in the whole 911 “official” version and yet no main stream news media are doing any “investigative” reporting on these suspicious events. Are they also being told not to report this? You would think that an enormous, world changing event like 911, would be scrutinized and any strange and unexplained things would be reported. So the general public are oblivious to the lies told and that our history books will be written about a day when the world changed, that “terrorists” high jacked 4 planes, that 3 buildings collapsed due to fire, that the small hole at the Pentagon was made by a Boeing, that the scattered remains of flight 93 was not shot down, but brought down by the passengers. If our history books tell us these lies, then I would question many of the “official” versions told by news networks and schools.

14 February 2007

What is love?

On this day celebrated and commercialized around the world, Valentine’s Day, I want to ask this question; what is love? So many people use this word to describe all kinds of things. They say they love someone, love their cars, love their jobs, love their pets and love the world…so many things with the same word. People also say things like they have “fallen” in love, discovered a new love of their life etc etc. What does this word love mean? Just looking at some of the things people attach this word too tells me that what its means to one person can be a totally different meaning to someone else.

For example, I am not so sure I would trust someone if she says, she loves me and later on she would say she loves her car. Then I would question her meaning of the word love. If she uses the same word to describe how she feels about me and then later use the same word to describe her car, then I would really question her knowledge of the word love.

Is love not a selfish thing, something you want, something you desire or need? Is that word as used in this world then not a term used by people interested in service to themselves? Something they want and as long as the other person is to your liking, then you are in love with that person. If that person does something you do not like or make a mistake, then the word hate is very easily used. People seem to use both words very easily and both are potentially very meaningful and very damaging words; love and hate!

So on a day like this where people buy flowers, cards and chocolates to “show” their love for someone else, how real is that gesture? Here we attach a physical item to show our love for someone. Most people are now doing it out of convention and that they “have” to do it, it is expected to do this when you are engaged, married, attached to someone… Am I the only person that find reading those cards with all those romantic words an empty gesture to give to the person you care about?

But here I am off to the shops to buy exactly that, an empty gesture, just because my wife is sold on the idea that if I don’t get her something, then our marriage is in trouble. They do create great marketing concepts don’t they? Here I will do something I don’t want to, to satisfy my wife’s attachment of love to a physical object. I don’t think this is the meaning of love…but let me go and buy it for her anyway…I hope she doesn’t read this article!

11 February 2007

Will Israel give its land back to Palestine?

The state of Israel has now occupied Palestine and its people for a very long time. It is a repeated history of people from a different country takes control of a land, set its own rules and borders and make the original native people the oppressed. Some destroy the original native people or reduce their numbers significantly as was evident in the United States of America with the Indians. Some make sure they remain in control by sheer numbers. They move the native inhabitants into their “land” and take control of the rest.

In some areas the minority “settlers” creates rules of separation between themselves and the native people. This was evident in South Africa and is still the case in Israel. In South Africa the ruling minority realized (or was forced to realize) that they’ve made a mistake and that they need to hand the control to the majority in the land.

For this process to happen peacefully both sides needs to give up something. The side currently in control needs to know they have to hand over (give way) this control and the previously oppressed needs to take control over without the need for prosecution. Both sides need to compromise and give up something.

In South Africa it worked very well by the means of a process called; Truth and Conciliation. The process works where any previous transgressors of Human rights may receive pardon or amnesty in return for full testimony. This process resulted in the transition from a minority white government to a black government without bloodshed or civil war as everyone predicted during those days.

Can the people of Israel do the same? Firstly, would they recognize that they have received a piece of Palestine illegally? Do they recognize that England had no right to offer Jews a piece of this land, just like they had no right to offer Uganda to the Jews in 1903?

In this world we have many nationalities with many borders. Do we really need borders based upon religion? Why must the Jews have their own land? Do Muslims, Christians, Buddhists ask for their own piece of land? Why cant people live together without borders? Within countries we even have economical borders between the haves and have not’s.

Will Israel realize the injustice and hand the land back to its rightful owners? Will the Palestinians be able to negotiate a peaceful transition should this hand-over ever happen? Let’s hope there will be some sort of resolve in this region, otherwise we will see other countries getting involved and a potential World War 3 will be on our doorsteps.

17 January 2007

Comet Watch

For those who have some interest in astronomy would have been fascinated with the view of comet Mc Naught tonight. The comet made its appearance in the Southern Hemisphere and tonight in particular was spectacular. It had a very long tail and was almost as bright as Venus. Both appeared to have roughly the same altitude in the sky and not far from each other and both dipped towards the horizon after the sun moved below the horizon.

I was very disappointed when after much hype; Halley’s Comet’s appearance in 1986 was nothing but a fuzzy star. This comet is different; its path around the Sun is inside that of planet Mercury. No one was sure what will happen to the comet when it passes so close by the sun. It was also uncertain whether a close passage like this would have any effects on the Sun with Solar flare activity.

The Sun is currently at Solar Minimum so activity is generally low but we have seen recently extraordinary flares on the Sun’s surface with X9 flares about a month ago. Are these things connected in some way? What’s also interesting is that this new comet was only recently discovered; August 2006 by Mr. R.H Mc Naught.

It tells us that the Oort Cloud can potentially hide some devastating comets and rocks and no one can for sure predict that the next “killer” asteroid is only a few millions of years away, like scientists tend to report. Comet Mc Naught shows us that these space travelers can be huge and give us spectacular evening shows, but they can potentially also be devastating to our planet.