We hear it so many times when we watch news programmes; “we are here to tell you the truth”, “we uncover the hidden secrets”, “we ask questions others avoid”…but are these statements true? Do news networks truly question and investigate something when even scientists struggle to explain the official version of events. What am I talking about? Well, I am not talking about UFO’s or Men in Black but what seems to be the biggest puzzle in modern times that happened right in front of our eyes. I am talking about the strange events that happened on that fateful day in USA what is now referred to as 911.
The “official” version of events tells us that a couple of “terrorists” led by Bin Laden or is it now Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; planned and executed an attack on the most advanced military in this world. They high-jacked four planes flew three into buildings and one did not reach its target and was crashed into the ground when the passengers took over the plane from the “terrorists”. Reading it just like this it almost sounds plausible, maybe they were just damn lucky to get it right, maybe they were damn lucky for fighter planes to not be scrambled and ordered to take the planes out before they crashed into the buildings. Maybe it was just a bad day for the people that perform this duty on a daily basis, getting calls to investigate planes not responding to the ATC.
But then if you are not the average person that accepts everything that he/she is told, then you would have read about all the things that don’t ad up. Maybe you are also one of those people that wonder how three steel framed buildings can collapse due to a fire; something that has never happened before in history. Do you also question how a Boeing could fit into a hole smaller than itself and leave very little behind and a perfect lawn at the Pentagon? Do you also question how people on Flight 93 were able to make cell phone calls at cruising altitudes and then be scattered in tiny pieces over a large area when the plane was supposed to have been crashed?
People reading my articles would notice that I write about 911 all the time and maybe you will ask why I do this. Well, there are many things wrong in this world, but seldom do you get to see a cover-up in plane sight. Here it is out in the open for those who can question things and for those that can see. Flight 77 made maneuvers impossible for a rookie pilot to perform and most definitely impossible for a Boeing to perform. The speed and altitude it struck the Pentagon would have left the engines scraping on the ground before impact, but the lawn was left in a perfect condition. The hole after impact is too small for the fuselage to fit into and the two large engines, two wings and whole tail section seem to have disappeared or somehow, instead of breaking off, folded up nicely and also squeezed into that hole to small for the fuselage.
So what happened to Flight 77 if that was not a Boeing that struck the Pentagon? Well ask the guys who told us that it was. Recently they launched video “evidence” to show it was the Boeing that struck the Pentagon. Have you seen it? If you have, then you will be even more concerned about what happened to the people on that plane. The video footage that would have shown the flight path and impact of the plane was removed by FBI shortly after the crash at a petrol station and a hotel. Where is that video footage that will prove me wrong?
Structural engineers have shown that steel framed buildings can’t weaken due to fire. Especially not fire from Jet fuel as the “experts” say have happened. Jet fuel burn at to low temperatures to weaken steel and even if it somehow went against scientific rules and did weaken the structure, it would have partially collapsed and would not have come down in less than 10 second at free fall speed as if no resistance was offered. Now this looks like demolition to me and then we have building number 7, a 48 storey building in the complex that was reported “collapsed” before it actually happened by the large media houses. Now how did this building collapse if the “experts” say the twin towers came down because of jet fuel? No plane struck this building at all.
Maybe one day the truth will be told on what really happened on that day, maybe only some of it will be told. Maybe if more and more people ask and push the issue, then will something else happen to deflect this questioning? Maybe I will be proven wrong or partially wrong, who knows, but what worries me is that something else might have happened on that day that could have a far worse consequence for mankind than a couple of “terrorists” that might have been involved. The evil might not be “over there” as we are being told by our mainstream media, it might be right here between us. Just maybe the evil looks like us and will not hesitate to hurt, mane and kill innocent people and blame it on someone else (over there) to justify a war.