09 January 2006

Did a Boeing REALLY crash into the Pentagon?

I have written about the question around the truth of what happened on 911 before. There seems to be now lots of counter websites to mislead and re-direct any person searching for the truth. I have come across two sites that explain firstly the details of the Boeing 757 and how it was not possible for a plane that size to leave such a small hole in the wall, not to mention being able to maneuver a few inches from the ground not touching the lawn before impact!

The excellent self explanatory article can be found under the title: Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 and Neither Did a Boeing 757 and the link is: http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/Above_Top_Secret_article.htm

The next article I found was posted on a blog and was a very nice article about how and to what measures are being taken to counter the exposing of truth. The article titled: COINTELPRO Updates: Above Top Secret Forum and the link is: http://laura-knight-jadczyk.blogspot.com/

I wish more and more people can start to ask questions and look more objectively into matters. Maybe if we continue to write articles and question things as the average world citizen, then mainstream media might become compelled to actually start doing real investigative reporting. If a crime like 911 was committed by a government or individuals within the government using its own citizen’s lives to justify a war against Afghanistan and Iraq, then these crimes needs to be exposed. If we don’t and allow for more lies to be covered up, then we are destined to experience more of them!

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