My whole life I questioned things. I never really knew why, but somehow I always felt or looked at things differently than other people. We are all influenced by the way we are brought up from a very young age. So many things “program” us the way we are today. Our parents teach us their version of the world, the education system does the same and then there are all the other external influences in our daily lives like TV, movies, radio, Internet, friends, colleagues and off course, religion.
After going through all these “normal” programming methods in my life, I have reached a point in my life where I am trying to de-program some of them, removing all the “clothes” so to speak to identify the real me. I am not sure if this is REALLY possible but I know it means a lot of personal work. It also means that I have to be “awake” all the time. Every time my mind drifts of into a state of dreaming I need to awaken myself again, know where I am and also know what is REALLY going on around me. This is easier said than done. Just try for 5 minutes not to think of anything at all or to make it slightly easier, focus on just one thing. Can you do it? Does your mind drift off to other thoughts? Can you stay “awake” for only 5 minutes?
Also, whenever a thought comes into your mind, do you analyze it? Where did the thought come from…, why do you think about it? Has the thought originated from you or were you influenced by external influences or different “motivation” methods? Energy seems to be linked to thoughts and the effect of thoughts. I wonder if writing does the same thing…
Is this world a kind of prison?
I get the feeling that we are living in a prison, we are an experiment and only a few REALLY know this. In a prison you have walls, high fences and the threat or fear of what will happen to you if you try to escape (this reminds me of that movie; The Village). You also have guards making sure you follow the rules and they enforce them, but then you also have the owners of the prison. The problem with prisons are that they are difficult and expensive to police. The ones on the inside want to find a way out or at least anticipate for the day they get out. The ones that patiently wait are not the problem; the ones who plan to escape and get others to escape with them are the ones to worry about.
So what do you do when you want the “prisoners” to follow the rules? What if this world is a prison but the walls are invincible to us? What if our walls are the day to day work (jobs) we mechanically do? What if our prison wires, fences and potential threats are our religions wanting to make sure we must stay our “term” because after our “sentence” we are promised “freedom”? We are expected to accept our “sentence” and wait for parole or the release date when we move onto a better place, is this not what religions are saying? Or maybe we must wait for that “one” that will come to release us and save us from this sentence? So we must be happy with the “cells” we’ve got, eat the food we are “given”, learn the rules of the prison and one day we will be released or set free? Does this sound familiar to you?
Maybe the best way is to make sure this world doesn’t look like a prison at all. In fact, get the “prisoners” to accept their fate and even get them to love it, to fight for what they have now, fear losing what they already have and fight for their “freedoms”. Again that sounds very familiar doesn’t it?
I will quote a story out of a book I’ve read (Ouspensky-In Search of the Miraculous):
"There is an Eastern tale which speaks about a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. But at the same time this magician was very mean. He did not want to hire shepherds, nor did he want to erect a fence about the pasture where his sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often wandered into the forest, fell into ravines, and so on, and above all they ran away, for they knew that the magician wanted their flesh and skins and this they did not like.
"At last the magician found a remedy. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further the magician suggested to his sheep that they were not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to others that they were eagles, to others that they were men, and to others that they were magicians.
"And after this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again but quietly awaited the time when the magician would require their flesh and skins.
End quote.
This book goes into a lot of other things I don’t want to discuss here but this story tells us something about our current condition.
Who are the guards anyway? Were these “privileged” few given the task to control us? They interact directly with the owners of this prison and report to them. Who are the owners? It might be in the interest for them to keep us under control by any means possible. They might have technology and all the worlds’ resources at their disposal for this purpose. In fact the owners of this prison most likely have technology available to them that will make our “prison” technology look ancient. They can observe and affect us in many ways using this technology. It is very important for them to make sure we accept our walls and cells as real and distract us all the time.
To keep us occupied, we need to be kept busy too. We need to be kept “entertained” to distract us from what is REALLY happening here. Our multiple sport channels, 24 hour news feeds, work and “world events” all seem to make sure we are kept very busy indeed. Then there are the many who can’t afford all these “luxuries” and they are kept in a state of ignorance by just trying to survive, living from one day to the next. I wondered so many times why this world has reached such a state of utter poverty in many regions of this world. People are dying from malnutrition and treatable diseases, when we are supposed to have reached the most advanced state ever from a world development, scientific and technological advancement point of view.
While I was writing this article I was thinking of the best way I could end this discussion, but I can’t think of a way to do this. Maybe I should leave the questions unanswered for now and observe more, discover more, learn more? I think so many things have been put in place to distract an enquiring mind and there are also many wrong paths to deflect and misdirect anyone on the road of true discovery.
I don’t expect to find the answer “out there” anyway; I think it is very important to REALLY know yourself, where you are and what REALLY is happening around you. This requires a lot of work and dedication on the personal level.
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Interesting ideas; I believe in karma, and that we create it, and can control it.
Good Luck. Don't give up.
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