11 August 2007

Zimbabwe economic collapse is only a test run

The current situation of extreme government control and police state rule is only a test run for implementation into the rest of the world. This is an experiment to see how far people can be pushed into more poverty, more control and less choices before they stand up for their own rights. So far the experiment must be quite promising to the ones in charge. Not since the Second World War has a country seen such high inflation rates. There is total control over the country’s news reporting internally. The country has written new laws to take over land and businesses of those who don’t comply with their regulations.

So why has this experiment proven to be so successful? Well, even Zimbabwe’s neighbors like the South African government who has supposedly fought for “human rights” will remain silent while thousands of Zimbabweans don’t know where their next meal will come from. Thousands more has decided to move to other countries out of desperation. The people of Zimbabwe themselves seems to have accepted their fate, saying they hope the next election will be fair so that a new government can be voted into power.

We actually see this happening all over the world. People seem to trust the “democratic” way and think that voting systems are flawless. We think that the people representing them in power are reflecting their views and best wishes. Even worse, we have reached a stage where we don’t care. We are occupied by our own lives; our work, the next sporting event or TV programme. We don’t care about what is happening next to us, unless it affects us directly.

Politicians around the world don’t see their positions as a service to their people anymore. They see it as the ultimate power position. The ultimate place to control others, make money and get fame. The system of “democracy” whereby electing the party or person with the most charisma created the ideal breeding ground for psychopaths. The person looking for power and control is ideal for individuals who can lie and do well in acting. A person that has no compassion or real feelings can “act” his way into power. They will be perfect liars and cheats and will be able to get their way into or out of any situation.

So who will do the finger pointing after Mugabe has left? Who will say why haven’t we done anything? Who will say but we have not known this was happening? This is a repeating syndrome it seems. We never learn. Bad things happen in broad daylight and only afterwards do we ask the questions. In Germany we’ve had Hitler, in the Middle East we have Israel terrorizing the Palestinians, we have the USA terrorizing the planet it seems with its war and invasion plans and in Africa we have Mugabe. It seems each continent has its own dark horse to show us the nature of things influencing the human race.

02 August 2007

Cellphone towers are safe, as long as you think they are safe.

In a recent study completed by the University of Essex, researchers found that people fell ill to the closeness of cell phone towers because they think it will have a negative effect on them. They found that the cell phone towers were not responsible for people feeling anxiety, nausea and fatigue. They found however that the people who thoughts cell phone towers were a bad for them, caused them to then show the symptoms like anxiety.

If this study is true, then we might have found a cure for the whole world. Just think positive things and you will be fine! So let’s all stop worrying about all kinds of things and we will be safe from everything. Ok, let me try it; that secretive Osama Bin Laden, doesn’t exist! Terrorism, none existent! Poverty and hunger, no more! Diseases like TB, AIDS, Cancer and Flu is all just a figment of my old imagination. Whew…I feel much better now, do you?

I find it strange in the article that was released about cell towers that actual research was not done on the effects of the towers close proximity to humans. Instead the research concluded that the people’s knowledge of these devices made them sick? Is it not like saying; staying next to the Chernobyl Nuclear power plant is fine unless you think that radio active fall-out is bad for you?

Maybe one day research companies other than those funded by the Cell phone networks will do proper research into the safety of cell phone towers. Maybe one day independent research companies will also do research on the side effects of medicines without being paid by the pharmaceutical companies themselves to do it. Maybe one day real research will be done on GM (genetic modified) foods. Until that day comes; I prefer to keep researching and reading on potential dangers of all the new developments in food, medicine and technology. I don’t belief ignoring it will protect me!