28 May 2006

Would governments conspire and make things like 911 happen?

I am responding to an anonymous comment posted on my Blog article titled “The Pentagon Flight 77 crash video released”. The article was also posted on Shoutwire but for some reason my article was removed.

Thanks for your comment. I hope my blog motivated you to go and look for yourself and not to rely on what mainstream media says. You will be surprised to know that I actually agree with most of the things you’ve said.

I agree with you that we can’t give President Bush the “credit” for planning and staging such a well planned and organized event. I also agree with you that there were lots of small aircraft pieces to be found on the Pentagon’s lawn, I never said a missile struck the building. In fact, apart from knowing it was not a Boeing 757; I don’t know what really struck the building. If I had to guess, then I will have to say it was a small maneuverable aircraft with explosives on it. This will explain the small and only jet engine found inside the building and it will also explain why such a small hole was left in the building right after the crash and also why no marks are visible on the lawn, right before the impact zone.

I have to disagree with your theory that the plane “corkscrewed” into the pentagon. A Boeing 757 can’t do such maneuvers without falling apart from excessive G forces. Also if it was not flying level when it struck the Pentagon, then it was even more impossible for it to leave no marks on the approach to the building as was witnessed on the photos shortly after the innocent. There were no marks visible on the lawn at all. A good flash video was released on the Internet showing exactly this, have a look at:

I also agree with you that four planes were high jacked, but the issue about mobile phones being able to make connections to the ground (as “witnessed” on flight 93) at cruising altitudes (over 30 000 feet) makes me think something was stage managed.

Again I agree with you saying that Bus, couldn’t have pulled this off himself and exactly for the reason you’ve mentioned; “he would need the help of thousands of people”, do I also think it is impossible for someone like Osama Bin Laden, sitting in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan with a couple of his people, could have planned and pulled this off! This was planned and executed with military precision…

Yes, it is sad to think that so many innocent people had to die so that a new enemy had to be created. It is also very sad that the result of 911 caused so many more deaths of innocent people’s lives in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not to mention the freedoms taken away from people in the name of fighting “terrorism”. But maybe you should look back in history and see that this has happened before. You don’t have to look far back to see something similar that happened. Research the strange things that happened around the Pearl Harbor attack and you will be surprised to see what you will find. That event moved everyone’s support for the USA to get involved in WW2 and to “justify” dropping atomic bombs on thousands of innocent people in Japan.

Your strongly worded comments make me think you feel very passionate about your point of view. I don’t mind that you disagree with me; you are entitled to your own opinions. I would however recommend that should you feel so strongly about your opinion to voice it as such, your opinion only, don’t speak on behalf of others and maybe you can create your own blog or website to voice your concerns. I do however hope that my blog made you question things more and thanks for the invite to Area 51, but I am happy where I am now, thanks.

22 May 2006

Pentagon video

Just a short update from my previous post; the video showing the Boeing 757 going into the Pentagon, or should I rather say the video showing very little at all, should have looked like the one on this link instead: http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/editorials/signs20060518_WhatthePentagonVideoShouldHaveShown.php

Go and have a look what the size of the plane were suppose to look like compared to what was actually released...

17 May 2006

The Pentagon Flight 77 crash video released

Have you seen this video? Does it show a Boeing 757 crashing into the Pentagon? Go and have a look on CNN”s website. When I heard on the news that this video was released and I quote “Finally, we hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77” I had visions of some clever computer graphic designer creating a movie to “proof” that a Boeing 757 did crash into the building.

The first thing this morning I did was to go and watch this video on CNN that proves everything and finally show that I was wrong; that a Boeing can disappear into a hole smaller than itself, disintegrate into reinforced concrete walls, leaving no large wing section torn off, totally vaporizing two large turbine engines, not to mention the most incredible flying skills ever displayed… So what did I see in this video? Have you gone there to look at it for yourself by now? Please do, because you might think I don’t see things realistically. Do you see a Boeing 757 in that video? There is something, it could be a small plane, but even that I can’t tell for sure after seeing; The Video proving everything!

See how clever CNN is. They say this will prove that “conspiracy theorists” are wrong, that a missile didn’t hit the building, that the plane wasn’t shot down. When did “conspiracy theorists” say that! Very few people suggested a missile, in fact I am careful not to suggest anything, just show the missing elements. Why can’t “they” explain the basic questions of physics, like getting some large plane into a small hole to start off with?

Well, I am not holding my breath for answers from the “free and fair” main stream media. Who knows maybe soon they will surprise me with a video from the hotel or garage that was confiscated minutes after this incident by the FBI. When they do finally show this video, then I will still ask the same questions; how can such a large plane make those maneuvers, how can this incompetent pilot (supposed to have been a “terrorist” that can’t even fly a Cessna properly) could make an almost impossible perfect crash, not leaving any marks on the lawn? If this plane miraculously did fit into that small hole in the wall so low to the ground, its large engines were supposed to drag on the ground, taking at least 1 meter deep earth trenches with it along the way? How almost everything disintegrated, no large wings or tail section left broken off as you can see an every plane crash site?

Thanks to the US Justice Department for releasing this very informative video. It shows nothing, it proves nothing and makes hopefully anyone “awake” to sit up and realize that the “official story” told by the media is total nonsense. I also hope this makes people question things more, because if you just listened to the story on the news that they now can “proof” with this video that a Boeing did hit the building, without checking the facts for yourself, then you would have gone to “sleep” and accept more things “they” tell you as being real.